ExplorerSport77's X "Hotness" | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ExplorerSport77's X "Hotness"

FANTASTIC!! The only 2 roll pans I have ever seen that look great on Explorers.

vroom, Evil looks better everytime u post new pics.

Tara, glad to see Hotness still looks awesome!!! Still dig that custom exhaust.

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can't stop drooling lol....

FANTASTIC!! The only 2 roll pans I have ever seen that look great on Explorers.
Evil looks better everytime u post new pics.

tara has to take the credit for both of these. if it wasn't for her, i wouldn't have been able to make my roll "bumper" as she has had to correct me many times of. also, she is responsible for the two pics shown. she did a dynamite job of taking these, and many more pictures. you might think it was "oh, that looks good there", but it wasn't. it was more like " k, move ahead just a little more......turn the tires just a bit....". well worth worth the time she took to set up for a few pictures! :):thumbsup:

tara has to take the credit for both of these. if it wasn't for her, i wouldn't have been able to make my roll "bumper" as she has had to correct me many times of. also, she is responsible for the two pics shown. she did a dynamite job of taking these, and many more pictures. you might think it was "oh, that looks good there", but it wasn't. it was more like " k, move ahead just a little more......turn the tires just a bit....". well worth worth the time she took to set up for a few pictures! :):thumbsup:


my favs of Miss Hotness.


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How is the paint holding up on the fender trim? Looks like whoever painted it did it Right! See alot of trim that was painted start to crack after the first year. That is one Beautiful Ride!!

i still say you had to have planned the wheel thing in that first pic :p:

she still has it :) these are from 6/2011


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Great pics of Hotness!!

love everyting about the EX!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN She is as beauitful as the first pics, if not better!!! I love it!!! Love the pics, love the spoiler, love the rims, LOVE THE EXHAUST, completly coustom, completely fabulous!!!!!!!!! Keep the pics coming, cant get tired of looking at THE HOTNESS!!!

Great pics, Tara. Bravo!

love everyting about the EX!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN She is as beauitful as the first pics, if not better!!! I love it!!! Love the pics, love the spoiler, love the rims, LOVE THE EXHAUST, completly coustom, completely fabulous!!!!!!!!! Keep the pics coming, cant get tired of looking at THE HOTNESS!!!

hearing that makes it all worth it. :D

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WOW!!!! tara logged in! lol
and didnt threat to kill me :D

all in all, if anyone ever has the chance to meet tara, you have to bug her to see this truck. pictures do it no justice.....
