Exployer Procomp MX-6 shocks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exployer Procomp MX-6 shocks

AZ Exployer

March 23, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Scottsdale, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT
Has anyone used or know anything about these shocks? These are the ones that are gas, single piston design that have 6 way manual adjustment. Right know Im using Bilstein on my 91. But Im planning on doing a lift so I may have to puchase new shocks in the future. Any thoughts? Comments?

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I haven't talked to anyone who's used them yet, they're pretty new. I have heard that they're very similar to Rancho 9000s and I love my 9000s ;) There's been a bunch of hype about the new ProComps though, I assume they're good shocks.

Hype is right

Hype is all Ive heard. (Believe it when you see it) Any Exployer pro-comp reps out there?....................I didnt think so.

My dad has them on his 01 250

There stiff as hell!!!! And there nitrogen filled. Very nice though!!:D There not going to make them for the x till mid next year. I talk to a pro-comp rep at a off road show a couple months ago

pro-comp shocks

Stic-o, Did you father make any adjustments or are the shocks just stiff?

Since the shocks are adjustable, I wouldn't expect the lowest settings to be very stiff. Likely someone forgot the turn the little knob ;)

He keeps them on 1!!!

on one there stiff as hell. I've drove i know. Just about imposable to press them down with your body weight on one (out of truck). My Es9000 were a real pain too, but he said the mx-6's were about 10 times worse to install


The question is Stic-o would you put them on your Exployer? I take it 1 is the stiffist setting?

I think 1 is the lowest!

Personally......No. I just put on pro-comp es9000 which are simmiler just not adjustibale. mine are stiff enough. That and theres a huge price difference. Es9000: $140 Mx-6: $360. Not worth it for the extra $220 bucks! Besides as I said before Mx-6's will not be avilibal for the ex until 2nd or 3rd quarter of next year.
