Factory Remote Start Help. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Factory Remote Start Help.


June 25, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Orlando, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'07 Limited v8, 4x4 Gold
I recently bought a 2007 Limited v8 4x4. Been doing some work on it.
So when looking under the hood yesterday I noticed a sticker that says DEI Remote Start System along with a warning message.
Now my keys I got with the truck are just normal key and separate FOB with unlock, lock, hatch, and panic.
Does that mean I don't have the remote start and that sticker is there just in case?

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Try pressing the lock button 3 times to see if it will start.

Mine was the same thing, press the lock three times and it will start!

Well I tried the lock three times and unlock three times and it didn't work.
So I guess now I will just check under the drivers side and see if I can even find a module for remote start and whatnot.
Thank you guys for the help though :)

Never knew this was an option on the 06-10. Would be nice if it's easy to upgrade/retrofit.

Anyone know what parts I'm missing if I don't have this? Is it just a module that I can get on eBay or salvage yard?

Would be super convenient on cold days.

Yeah for me it is the opposite in Florida. On those 95-100 degree days, it would be so nice to start the truck as I'm leaving work.
But I looked and didn't see anything that was out of the ordinary under the drivers side/steering wheel.
So maybe it's just a generic warning sticker. I might have to do some further research just in case the option is there and I only need a new remote or something like that.

Yeah for me it is the opposite in Florida. On those 95-100 degree days, it would be so nice to start the truck as I'm leaving work. But I looked and didn't see anything that was out of the ordinary under the drivers side/steering wheel. So maybe it's just a generic warning sticker. I might have to do some further research just in case the option is there and I only need a new remote or something like that.

I searched and searched yesterday. There is a FORD OE started but it cost way more than generic. Generic one can be had for around $100 shipped.

I think I'm going to snag one as soon as it gets warmer. All my installs are outside.
