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factory window tint


Well-Known Member
January 14, 2004
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91 sport
My 91 sport has the stock silver looking tint on the rear windows on the side. I am worried if I get it tinted at a shop, it won't look black it will look silver, like all u will see is that factory silver. I dont want to waste my money on tinting if it will look crappy. Any suggestions on how to remove it or anyone know if the tinting place can remove it, or if people have it done and it looks fine, like you can't see the silver. thanks guys

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I know exactly what you're talking about. I have the same problem. When I took it in to get it tinted, I informed them that there's a factory tint on the windows and asked them that if you're able to take it off then do so, if not then its probably "inside the glass" itself. Well they confirmed that it was inside to glass and just continued on with the tint. I got the darkest black tint possible (5%). When I saw it for the first time, I didn't like it because I wanted that all "black" look, but after awhile I got used to it and now I like it.

Only at some angles you can see that silvery look but other than that, you can't really tell. And after thinking about it more, I'm glad that it has that slightly silvery tint because it reflects off more light than if it were just black.

I had only the fronts tinted. FYI 30% is the match percentage for darkeness. You can notice it doesn't match. I do anyways. It looks fine in sun light & at night. Cloudy days are when you really notice the silver/black difference. It doesn't really bother me cause I need tint in South FL. My old x had all windows tinted over so it all was about 15% all around. That looked alot less noticable.

thats true, you can't really see the silver with a darker tint, except on cloudy days. my sides and rear windows are tinted 5% and my front windows are tinted at 35%, thats the legal tint in hawaii. so the silver factory tint helps with keeping the light and heat out.

thanks guys, damn i really dont want that silver look.

well,...if you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, don't want that silver look AT ALL... then you can always go another route....

replace the windows!

ohe boy is it hard for u looking out those windows...I have 5% on my front windows and have trouble seeing out of my windows to see the mirrors at night. I also have the gold tintish windows in the back 96' and I plan on tinting the rest of the truck soon..wanted to know if i should do 20% or 5% over the already tinted windows in the back...hope that makes some kind of sense.

it is hard to see out the rear/side windows at night, but i just use my side view mirrors. if you tint the rest of your windows at 5%, then you're not going to see anything out your windows, unless they have lights on. But pedistrians, parked cars, walls, poles, trees, curbs, etc... you're not going to be able to see and may bang them. If you want to tint your windows at 5%, then i can suggest that you take off the front tints and retint them lighter so that you can see better out of your front windows and use your mirrors. I have them at 35% and can see real good out of them, so you probably could go a little darker if you wanted too, but i think anything around 20% may start to get too dark.

u have any pics of ur truck with the tinted windows?

give me your email address and i'll send you some shots, hopefully i have some with good shots of the tint.

sure can! the pics that i have available don't give a really good shot of the tint but its the best i can do for now until i take better pictures


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