First real complaint | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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First real complaint


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
As I was getting out of the drivers seat the back of my shoe caught the edge of the panel with the seat controls on it and it pulled it out! What I couldn't believe is that one of the tabs broke off from that. IMO it shouldn't have popped out that easy and definitely shouldn't have broke the part.

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The seats are garbage on these explorers.

That sucks sorry to hear that

The seats are garbage on these explorers.

I have no complaint about the seat itself. Very comfortable with plenty of adjustability. The trim is another story.

The seats are garbage on these explorers.
You are correct. My driver seat SUCKS but i stopped complaining. I just can't wait for lease to end and TOYOTA here i COME

As I was getting out of the drivers seat the back of my shoe caught the edge of the panel with the seat controls on it and it pulled it out! What I couldn't believe is that one of the tabs broke off from that. IMO it shouldn't have popped out that easy and definitely shouldn't have broke the part.
Have exactly the same problem , and new plastic cost around $100

Have exactly the same problem , and new plastic cost around $100
This should be covered under warranty. It is clearly a defective part.

This should be covered under warranty. It is clearly a defective part.

I will be bringing ours in for a warranty claim.

You are correct. My driver seat SUCKS but i stopped complaining. I just can't wait for lease to end and TOYOTA here i COME
Make sure you test drive your Toyota before you buy it. Before I got my ST, I was test driving Lexus RX F Sport for a similar price as ST but the seats were really tight, especially around the edges.

Make sure you test drive your Toyota before you buy it. Before I got my ST, I was test driving Lexus RX F Sport for a similar price as ST but the seats were really tight, especially around the edges.
Yes. I know about the Lexus seat my son-in-law has one and the seats are tight. My wife and i already have tested the Highlander and the seats are very very comfortable.

Just got off the Toyota Nation forum where I'm still a member and I see that the 4th gen Highlander also has its share of issues.


Seats in my 98 Sport are still infinitely better than any late model Explorer I've been in. I always thought the control trim was too flimsy, but it's somehow still hanging on after 23 years of getting kicked the crap out of by eight or nine different pairs of boots.

People have reported broken tabs on that outer seat trim piece just from sitting on it--like pressure on the seat cushion pushed downward on the trim and broke the tabs

Most comfy seats that I can recall were the leather buckets in my 2001 Sporttrac. Those were epically comfy. :) Sporttrac was a neat concept but mine did not hold up well at all. My friend also had one and his brother kept it running until the last year or two so either he got a good one or had more patience than me!

Seats in my 98 Sport are still infinitely better than any late model Explorer I've been in. I always thought the control trim was too flimsy, but it's somehow still hanging on after 23 years of getting kicked the crap out of by eight or nine different pairs of boots.
Sad to hear the late model seats/controls aren't so great - I love the seats on my 98 Explorer XLT. Power controls work great. The most unusual thing about the interior - EVERYTHING is the same color, a lovely green/light teal, goes with the Pacific Green on the outside. I've never seen that in a vehicle in the 50 yrs. I've been driving, with the exception of all-black interiors I had on a couple of 70s. Mopars.

Seat comfort can be a very individual thing. I wasn't overly impressed with the ones in my 2017 Platinum but as time went on, I didn't really notice that any longer.

