"First" time really slinging mud.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"First" time really slinging mud....


Active Member
February 24, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Randolph, Maine...Back home baby!!!
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
Yes...I live in Maine and am 25 and never really gone muddin'.
These are pics of my first real taste of mud. NOTHING compaired to the professionals out there that live breath and really really sling some mud.
But I had a blast either way.
So yea....I was driving down this road by my house in Freedom Maine and low and behold....MUD. The short cut road as we call it is a dirt road that even though dirt, a main road for this town had a few "wash out" muddy area's after the rain the other night.
So I went down the road a few times....then jus when I was on tar again...More Mud, (jus this time it was down a snowmobile trail by the Burnham dump...hehe...yes...It will fit down a ATV/Sled trail)

Enjoy my muddy fun...I sure did.

Front with Jacobs lil 4x4 in the back ground.

Drivers side got a lil bit on the windows...

Even the muff got some caked on...wow mud stinks wile it's baking.

Passangers side not so bad...but still fun for me.

Even got a lil muddy clump pile of mess on the hood.

This was a blast, not sure if the Ex will see to much mud again this season, but definatly a blast....I loved it.

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Welcome to the site.. I thinks its about time you lift that truck and put some aggressive tires on there.. You can do a TT/Shackles to get 31s or a combination of those & a 3" body lift to get 33s..

hmm i cant see the pictures. but sounds like fun
I often go up to the freedom area, thorndike, got some friends up there, we do some hunting and ride atvs, i love it up that way

Rx4phun said:
hmm i cant see the pictures. but sounds like fun
I often go up to the freedom area, thorndike, got some friends up there, we do some hunting and ride atvs, i love it up that way

Hmmm...if you ever pass by through Freedom, and go by post office, jus look on the other side of the road and you can see my lil black Ex sitting there.

PM me if you get a chance, we might jus meet up somewhere...who knows.

Ya, an most of the mud since you know the area on my ride, is from Burnham.
Ha....I love the Burnham dump/pits.

Welcome to the site.. :cool:

It is good to see some stocker wheeling....It is rare for sure.

my friends up there live right on Burnham hill road or something. I'll be up there this summer. I will keep an eye out for you. If you see my explorer just honk at me or something
