Fixed my "Death Wobble" problem. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fixed my "Death Wobble" problem.


February 28, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
west TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 eb 2 door 4x4
I was backing out the driveway the other day & my radius arm broke.Called Superlift & got another, problem fixed, luckily I wasn't doing 65 down the bypass when it broke. Now I'm not saying that's everyone's fix to the problem, but you may want to investigate your X's radius arms for cracks.

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thanks..wheres the arm located?

Don't know what u mean but, on Drivers side long arm from axle to cross-member



it cracked and gave out? wow.

Creager said:
it cracked and gave out? wow.
Not a big suprise, I have cracked two so far. Now my radius arms have 1/2" steel tabs instead of the stock 1/2". Haven't had a problem in years.

These are the superlift arms, not the stockers, correct?

Creager said:
These are the superlift arms, not the stockers, correct?
Correct, the Superlift radius arms have a weak area, which is more of a design flaw than anything else. There are two tabs that fit over the TTB beams that work themselves loose and start to flex, then break or crack at the welds. I don't have a picture of the right end of the radius arms to post, but I have a picture of the rear of my Superlift arms, with the heims that were added because I got tired of replacing the bushings every other trip.

Mine broke where your heims are. Don't know Y I was just backing out of the driveway. It broke just in front of the bushing.
