Flowmaster 40 series on 1997 4.0 SOHC Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Flowmaster 40 series on 1997 4.0 SOHC Explorer


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March 26, 2008
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'97 XLT
I am currently thinking about redoing my exhaust system with a 40 series muffler and 3 inch tubing. Do you guys think i should change the size of the tubing.

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I wouldnt go any larger than 2.5" on a 4.0 motor. Check the exhaust thread on the top for a clip of my 40 series that i used to have

Cherrybomb pro and extreme mufflers VS. Flowmaster Super 40 Series

Thanks alot for the info on the tubing. I looked on some of your other threads and i noticed you and another member hunterdan were in a conversation about cherrybomb pro and extreme mufflers vs. the flowmaster super 40 series. I was wondering what your thoughts were on them i was looking for a more throater v8 sound and rumble.

Yeah I got dual 40 series on my 01 sport and the tips are 2 1/2 inch tips

go with 2.5" tubing. you won't get the v8 sound without a v8, but you can make the v6 sound pretty good.

Thanks alot for the info on the tubing. I looked on some of your other threads and i noticed you and another member hunterdan were in a conversation about cherrybomb pro and extreme mufflers vs. the flowmaster super 40 series. I was wondering what your thoughts were on them i was looking for a more throater v8 sound and rumble.

You can obtain a v8 rumble on a v6 (well pretty close) but a lot of mods need to be done I found. Also on our motors, without cats, above 3k RPMS they sound ricey. This is one reason I went to the extent of exhaust work that I did. Hunterdan and I did have a little convo over mufflers. The only difference is his is the OHV, mine is the SOHC. The OHV tends to sound lower and deeper whereas the SOHC seems to be a bit "higher" or "whinier" sounding. The SOHC wont sound ricey, but the two motors do sound different.

With that said, hunterdan did try a super 44 muffler I sent him. He said it was too quiet (I agreed) and sent it back. Since then he ran a Cherrybomb Pro and like it (til he crashed his truck).

I was on the cherry bomb website investigating their Pro muffler. It looks like a Flowmaster Original 40 with the deflecter wing partially tilted. I assume this is to prevent copyright laws.

The super 40/44 was too quiet for me (well at the time I was trying them). The extreme sounded like I had no muffler at all. All it is is a single chamber with a wing.

Personally, Id go with a catless setup with a Flowmaster Original 40 (or the like) with a single 2.5" set up. If you cannot afford, or know how to obtain an off-road Y pipe, a standard Y pipe can be used when you cut off your stock muffler and go from dual 2" pipes to a single 2.5" and run it that way. Imitations of the Flowmaster Original 40 are as follows



If you want to just cut off the stock muffler and stick a Y pipe in, like explained above, use this Y pipe


This will allow to run a single in/single out 2.5" muffler from cats-back. The muffler you will need is an offset inlet/center outlet. I ran a 40 series muffler with cats, then ripped out the cats. Without the cats its much louder/deeper/and throatier. The reason I do not run it anymore is I got a "sound ticket" for it :(:( but that was after 2 years. Now I run a maxflow muffler mainly to gain gas milage...plus its more mellow sound until I get on it. Then she gets loud :)

Remember when doing all this, there are THREE DIFFERENT TYPES OF "FLOWMASTER 40 SERIES". There is the Flowmaster Original 40, the Flowmaster 40 Delta, and the Flowmaster Super 40. ALL sound different.
