Ford 9" 1350 U-Joint Conversion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford 9" 1350 U-Joint Conversion


Well-Known Member
December 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Calgary, AB
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
As I cant search for 9" because the string is too small, I've not found any info on the u-joint situation when swapping in a D44 and 9".

The specifics are:
9" and D44, trac-lok, 4.10 gears, from 79 bronco

It appears that I can mate a Jeep D44 yoke onto the D44 to make the front driveshaft use a 1310 u-joint. What about the 9"? I'm not really keen on running a ******* u-joint.

So far my options are:
1. Get a new/custom driveshaft with 1310 t-side and 1330 p-side.
2. Run a ******* 1310/1330 u-joint.

Any other options? What has everyone else done?

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Thanks, Cory. Just thought I'd check and see if someone had fabbed or mated something interesting on the 9" that I hadnt thought of.

I've got a friend at a driveline shop who told me the same thing. My plan will be to buy a driveshaft from a wrecker that is about 10" longer or more then my current one with a 1310 on the transfer case side, about $70. I'll take to the driveline shop and he'll chop it down to the correct length and put the 1330 yoke on it for $60. Not bad, custom driveshaft for $130.
**(All prices in Canadian dollars)

EDIT: it should read 1330 u-joint not 1350.

Calgary AB eh? Good to see some other Canucks on the board. Are you shortening your axles? If so, I have some EB width, shortening Dana 44 axleshafts for sale...

If you have any ques about the swap, let me know. I did mine 2 years ago and love it.


I'm gonna stay full width. This truck will be used mainly for mud boggin. I'm not too worried about fitting on tight technical trails, there's more than enough mud out here to keep me occupied!:D

hhmmmm next year is gonna be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
