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Ford admits ping problems


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Olathe, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
'08 Sport Trac V8 2wd XLT
I was sitting in the Ex with my daughter this weekend (she was sleeping & my wife was in the Library). I was really really bored, so I got out the Owner's Manual. It's funny, because Ford pretty much admits to pining problems. On one page, it said something like "occasional knocking sounds from the engine is OK". It then said to switch brands of gas, etc. But "if your engine suffers from severe/constant knocking, take it to your dealer". It stated not to use premium gas (oops) or additives. My '00 OHV only pings occasionally. I did run a tank of premium gas through, and that helped. I guess I'm not worried anymore since Ford states it's "normal"....
