Found my vacuum leak! But HELP! Where does the hose connect? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Found my vacuum leak! But HELP! Where does the hose connect?


Active Member
February 28, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT V8

I have a 1997 Ford Explorer XLT V8 5.0.

I have been going crazy trying to find the location of my vacuum leak. I discovered it today and WTF. I bought my truck used and could not believe what I found. The sound was coming from a 3 inch piece of burnt hose with a bolt screwed into the end of it. (Drivers side running along intake side) I removed it, but now don't exactly know where to reattach a new hose. I've included two photos here. One of the place where it was connected and the other is the actual piece of crap I pulled off of it.

I know I obviously have to attach the new hose to this connection, but where does the other end go?

I'm trying to get it fixed today so if anyone can provide the answer quick, that would be great. A picture of where to connect the other end would be even better.



  • Vac hose 1.JPG
    Vac hose 1.JPG
    45.5 KB · Views: 5,668
  • Vac hose 2.JPG
    Vac hose 2.JPG
    36.5 KB · Views: 5,436

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...It might help if you have a picture from a little further back so we can see the general location that is in...:dunno:

...It might help if you have a picture from a little further back so we can see the general location that is in...:dunno:

Sorry, here you go. I hope these are better.


  • Explorer vacuum hose 003.jpg
    Explorer vacuum hose 003.jpg
    77.1 KB · Views: 5,430

...Here's a vacuum diagrahm for your X...

This diagram is posted under the hood, however, it doesn't make it clear which hose this is. Can you explain? I'm far from an auto expert. Thanks.

...I personally am not familiar with your vehicle...Maybe someone else will be able to assist you better...

From it's position in the pictures, it looks like one of the manifold vacuum ports.

Like tbars, I'm not real familiar with this engine and Ex model. If that is a manifold vacuum port, I would think that the engine would either not run at all (start but die immediately or not start at all) or it would it would run VERY rough and idle EXTREMELY poorly. Can you feel the vacuum when you put your finger over this port or is there a slight pressure blowing out of this port or can you feel nothing at all?

Like tbars, I'm not real familiar with this engine and Ex model. If that is a manifold vacuum port, I would think that the engine would either not run at all (start but die immediately or not start at all) or it would it would run VERY rough and idle EXTREMELY poorly. Can you feel the vacuum when you put your finger over this port or is there a slight pressure blowing out of this port or can you feel nothing at all?

Yes, once I took the "Macgyver" 3 inch piece of hose off that had the bolt jammed into the end of it, it wants to stall and idles irratically when started. The port sucks like crazy. When I put my finger on it, it has powerful suction.

Hope this helps. I just need to figure out where to connect a new hose. Not sure why the previous owner did what they did.

Can you feel around towards the base of the port and check to see if there are other hoses connected to this port? If this is just a single port, I would check to see if the PCV valve and/or vacuum line to the brake booster is disconnected. Do the power brakes work well or do you have to just about have to stand on the brake pedal to get the Ex to stop?

Looking at the diagram, it's most likely the PCV valve but that's just a guess.

Can you feel around towards the base of the port and check to see if there are other hoses connected to this port? If this is just a single port, I would check to see if the PCV valve and/or vacuum line to the brake booster is disconnected. Do the power brakes work well or do you have to just about have to stand on the brake pedal to get the Ex to stop?

There is one other hose connected to the backside of the port.

The brakes work just fine.

Follow that other hose, where does it route to?

maybe put another hose the same size on the fitting and put a bolt in the end like they did,
i know it is not a perfect response , but if it worked before it will work after if done the same way ,

I have a neighbor that lives right across from me that has a 98 XLT and a 2000? Sport, if I see him, I'll try to get a peek under his hood. There are approx 100 condo units were I live and counting all the Explorers, Rangers and Mountaineers, I'd say there are at least 15 of them all together :) These are VERY popular vehicles here in Colorado

Follow that other hose, where does it route to?

I can't tell. It curves behind the intake. It's too tight to follow or see.

Maybe someone with the 97 XLT V8 can compare theirs to the photo to see where the missing hose goes from the port shown.

If I can catch my neighbor when he gets home I'm sure he'll let me take a look under the hood and maybe take pics of his hose routing. It may be a few hours from now, IF I see catch him when he gets home.

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