Front Right power window stopped working - what part to get? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Right power window stopped working - what part to get?

99? Mileage (Tranny) ? Interested in selling?
It was my main mail vehicle until the trans died at 152k in my driveway almost 10 years ago, that's the 99/93 project in my signature link. I haven't gotten back to the trans, it's been in my garage for too long.

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It was my main mail vehicle until the trans died at 152k in my driveway almost 10 years ago, that's the 99/93 project in my signature link. I haven't gotten back to the trans, it's been in my garage for too long.
Yeah that's the one problem w 99s. If you rebuild don't even let a hair get in there. Ill buy. You want to sell?

I've got the parts to rebuild the trans, I have just put it off too long. I'm going to do the SOHC timing cassettes again with the trans out, and then see if a coworker would like it for their work use. They are great when working right, mine did great for 75k miles, some torrington bearing broke as I found a 1/3 part of a piece of one in the pan. It has an EPC code for low pressure, it would barely move when I tried to move it out of my driveway. Hopefully not much is hurt inside, and it'll still run well when back together.

I don't think its a fuse issue cos when i push the button i can hear the power window motor (i assume thats what i am hearing) groaning but its not moving the window.

So does that mean i would have to replace the power window motor or regulator what?
on my 2001 sport trac it was a broken spring in the door, found out how to find and fix off of You Tube

I just removed the front passenger side motor on a '99 XLT at the JY and it was a snap. Didn't even support the window (it was in the upright position). Pulled the speaker out and reached in from behind it to remove it from the door once the three bolts retaining the motor were removed. Trial fitted it back into place once removed and easy peasy.

I bought 24 pucks 4 years ago and 3 weeks ago i used my last 3. In the baggy are 3 used ones from repairing one or two of them. The worst one that I had to clean took quite a bit of carb or brake clean but first I used a toothpick getting a lot of little pieces of plastic out of the worm gear.
