fuel leaking out of schraeder valve | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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fuel leaking out of schraeder valve


Well-Known Member
August 19, 2009
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93 XLT
like the title says. I smelled fuel, so started checking everything. noticed fuel leaking out of the valve. When I put the cap on really tight it wouldnt leak, but thats just a temporary fix. Could I replace the core on the valve, like you can on other schraeder valves, or does anyone know of a fitting that seals it? Dont really feel like replacing the fuel rail.

Thanks guys.

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I'm not really sure, but I would assume you could remove the core from the schrader valve like you can on the tire ones. I know you can on the A/C type ones. I doubt this is a really common problem, so finding someone who has done it might take awhile.

Get one of those little tools to take them out, and give it a go. There is probably some kind of difference in the seals from the tire ones too. Do you have a pick-a-part yard somewhere near so you? I can't imagine they would charge too much, even for a whole fuel rail (but changing it could be a pain)

Before removing the core - first try to tighten it.
