Fuel pump problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel pump problems


New Member
January 26, 2013
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City, State
Prince George BC Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 ford explorer xlt
Hey guys, I'm new to the site and have an explorer. I am having issues with my fuel pump I believe...let me start with my fuel gauge is broken :thumbdwn: and have ran the tank dry twice since I've owned it..one day when I was going to drive it (with a full tank of gas) I drove maybe 2 blocks and when I pressed on the gas pedal it wasn't doing anything so I pulled over and the explorer sputtered and died..I tried to start it again and wouldn't go..now when I ran out of gas before it would turn over but not start and it was doing the same thing now except I had just filled it with gas..I don't know if its the fuel pump or what...it had been almost a week since I ran the tank till there was no gas and I drove it a lot since I emptied the tank and got stuck on the road lol so I don't think it's the fuel filter..please help!! Thanks guys

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Fuel pumps dont like it when you run a fuel tank dry. They tend to get hot because there is not gas around the pump to keep it cool. I suggest you first check your fuses and relays. I would also check the inertia switch (fuel pump shut off). It should be on the passengers side under the dashboard behind the kick panel. If fuses and the fuel shut off is good then i would check for fuel pressure with a fuel gauge. If you end up replacing the fuel pump if I were you I would replace the whole sending unit. That may fix your gauge problem. Good Luck!!

Also, do I have to drop the tank or is there a entry that I can get to from inside?

Is your check engine light on? What you need to do is listen for the fuel pump when you turn the key. Don't engage the starter just turn the key to the first position and listen or get someone else to listen if you hear a buzzing noise from the fuel tank. It will only prime for 2 seconds so you can turn the key off and on as many times as you like. If not your fuel pump is not priming/pumping. It would be a good idea to get a whole assembly and have it installed not just the pump. It will most likely fix your fuel gauge too. I just changed my fuel pump today 119,000 miles.

Also, do I have to drop the tank or is there a entry that I can get to from inside?

You have to drop the tank. I just changed mine today and it took about 4 hours. It was 3/4 full of gas too. I used a floor jack and a small square of plywood to protect the tank and lowered it down. Be careful there is not a lot of slack in the fuel lines attached to the tank. You have to have a 3/8 fuel line disconnect tool and some sockets and extensions, 17mm and 13 mm on my 2000 model. I dont know what year you have or how they vary between years. I know ford likes to change stuff up between year models. Some help would be nice but I did mine by myself. You just have to be creative with how you get the thing back in. I used cinder blocks to prop the tank up so I could reposition the jack where i needed it.
