Fuel pump? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel pump?


New Member
June 27, 2022
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City, State
Shawnee, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Explorer XLT
Hi everyone. I replaced the fuel pump on our 95 Explorer 4.0 4x4 with 200k a little over a year ago and it has about 20K miles on the replacement pump. I was driving it last week and had just filled the tank when I experienced a momentary misfire, but it recovered. I checked the gauges and the airbag light was blinking then it stayed on and the fuel gauge slowly went down to empty. When I got home, I pulled the battery cable, thinking that it might reset- no luck. The next morning, I decided to take it to work and I made it 1/4 mile before the engine died. I pulled the relay and swapped it out with the identicle one next to it, but had the same no start issue. Is it possible that a relatively new pump can fail this soon (it's a Carquest #HP2521059), or am I missing something? The airbag fuse in the dash is fine.

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See my reply to your post in the other topic:

In addition to checking fuel pressure and the connectors topic linked in that post, I'd also check battery & electrical system voltage, both with engine off (should be 12.6V or so) and engine on (closer to 14.4V)... though if it's cranking strong, then unlikely to be a battery or alternator problem.

See my reply to your post in the other topic:

In addition to checking fuel pressure and the connectors topic linked in that post, I'd also check battery & electrical system voltage, both with engine off (should be 12.6V or so) and engine on (closer to 14.4V)... though if it's cranking strong, then unlikely to be a battery or alternator problem.
Hi everyone. I checked my fuel pressure and there wasn't any., just a trickle of gas came out,
so I decided to to put a new fuel filter on. While the old filter was off, I turned the key on and fuel spurted for a second and then stopped. I installed the new filter and the Exploder does the same thing-won;t start, but does try to after cranking for about 15 seconds. Can fuel pumps go "partially" bad? The fuel guage still does not work and the airbag light is illuminated in the dash. Is there a ground strap for the fuel pump? If so, is there a way to temp ground it just to see if that's the problem. This pump has only been in for about 20K miles.

I’d get under there and look at the harness and connectors. A fuel pump can intermittently fail, but happening at the same time as the gas gauge having an issue is extremely unlikely.
