fuel vapor storage canister - disconect? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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fuel vapor storage canister - disconect?


New Member
November 27, 2002
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Billings, MT
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'93 Eddie Bauer
I have smelled something like ethylene gas from my 1993 Explorer. And have determined it is coming from the fuel vapor storage canister. It is a rectangular canister directly behind the radiator reservoir that has 2 hoses going into it and 2 vents at the top. It is filled with carbon that has undoubtedly been used up. So I just took it out and plugged the hoses.

My question is: Will plugging the hoses do any harm in my Explorer? It seams to be running fine. And I haven’t noticed any of the whitish/bluish smoke from the exhaust. I didn’t always see this smoke, just once in a while.


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on your 93 it has whats called a return fuel system, meaining that the fumes are actually purged through the charcoal canister and back to the fuel tank.

There is a wire from the engine control computer that goes towhats called a "canister purge solenoid"

What happens is the computer will purge the fuel system by opening the canister purge valve and letting air flow from the throttle body to the charcoal canister, thus purging fumes and gasses back to the gas tank.

If you smell gas it is most likely because your canister purge valve is bad, and stuck open (always purging)
This is a $12 part at Napa and takes about 5 minutes to replace.....

Removing the canister and plugging the lines is masking the real problem. I however canoot see any problems with this other then you maybe losing some MPG and also you are purging air from the intake to a dead end.......also if your state is strict on emissions you may not pass next time.......it is required emissions equipment for your 93

I doub't it will harm anything but you would be breaking the law by tampering with the emissions system if in CA.

Anyone knows where this is located on 2nd Generations? I saw something being described above located under, near the spare tire, driver side. Is this the same one?

Thanks for the info.

Will you describe to me where this "canister purge solenoid" is located?


Originally posted by X-factor
Anyone knows where this is located on 2nd Generations? I saw something being described above located under, near the spare tire, driver side. Is this the same one?

On a 96 V8 it is above the spare tire. There are two canisters connected together on the V8.

On your 93 i belive the canp canister purge is located between the can and the intake manifold. Trace the hose from the can to the engine. You should see it there. Also, look at the vehicle underhood emissions label. It will have a diagram and locations.

Sure! There is a vacuum line from the throttle body to the solenoid. Follow the line and you will find it.

Its about the size of a film canister and brass in color....

ON the pre 95 models it is wedged under the upper intake plenum.
ON some 91's and 92's its right by the charcoal canister....

Also check the gas cap, if it doesnt vent properly the whole system can backup.

I think in 97 they went to a return LESS fuel system...........???

410 and everyone gave you some good info on the canister purge system. You can fail an inspection with it disconnected.
We played with them all the time on out mustangs. Mine was disconnected for some time...finally removed all the way. As long as you block off/ plug the hose running to the intake/throttle body...you are fine. Just one additional note:
The computer will tell the solenoid to open the line to the intake at around 1500rpm...until then it is closed. What actually happens is the fuel tank is connected to the charcoal canister at all times...free to vent the tank vapors for storage in the canister. Once you hit 1500 rpm the valve opens and the intake sucks the stored fumes from the canister and burns them along with the regular intake air. You can easily check it. You have 2 lines going to the canister. One goes to the fuel tank and the other to the intake tract. Remove the one to the intake and put a small vac pump on the hose. You will notice the vac holds. Now run the rpm to about 1500 and watch the vac abruptly drop to zero as the valve opens.
Just some extra info for you. Easy to fix...and yes..that canister can smell pretty bad if saturated.
Good luck,

That is an excellent post, thanks.

Also I would think in order for the fumes to be purged from the tank the gas cap must be working properly (venting)

I have an even bigger problem with mine, my custom exhaust runs about 6" from the fuel tank, this is heating up the gas and the pressure is more than the canister purge can handle.....so I need to fabricate a heat shield in there. :)
its always something

Yeah, that gas cap sure does need to be venting properly! A simple gas cap malfunction can lead to lots of headaches.
Wow! 6" clearance is not enough? That must be some serious heat going through there!?! I guess a heat shield is your answer.
I knew several stang guys who used dumps instead of running the cat-back pipes. They actually boiled the gas in their tanks! Bad for performance!
Hope you get the heat shields in place.......but sounds like some serious work.

Originally posted by 410Fortune

I think in 97 they went to a return LESS fuel system...........???

It was later than 97, because my 97 has a fuel return line and carbon canister. The carbon canister is above the spare tire, along with the canister purge valve.

can this cause a rich running engine?

Can probs with the canister purge system or the canister purge solenoid cause a rich running engine?

Thanks, Wil

Re: can this cause a rich running engine?

Originally posted by roadkill
Can probs with the canister purge system or the canister purge solenoid cause a rich running engine?

Thanks, Wil

It's possible as that is fuel entering the engine.
