Full stop clunking! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Full stop clunking!


July 26, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
I've had this problem for about a year now. When coming up to a stoplight and I am applying the brakes once I get to about 5 mph or sometimes once I completely stop there is a very loud clunk that I can feel mid car to rear of the car. I've read many threads about this and I have checked everything. Regreased both my slip yokes, u joints are tight, sway bar end links tight, tranny mount an motor mounts are tight. Brake calipers are tight. Control arms are tight. I don't know what else to check... I can also get a clunk when coasting and tapping on the throttle, which is usually ujoints but there all tight. Any ideas?

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Have you checked ALL the body mounts or the REAR sway bar end links?

Off hand i forget if the explorer driveshafts have a slip yoke or not, but if it does check that. I have an old truck that clunks because its worn out. Also, before i replaced the rear diff in my truck (not my X btw), i kept hearin a clunkin because the pinion bearing was going. It wasnt an 8.8, but it wouldnt hurt to check yours for play.
I could be completely off base, but from expiriences with other trucks thats just where id start to check

All the body mounts are good. The bushing/ front diff mount has about 1/4-1/2 inch play up and down and the bushing is cracking, But the clunk feels more towards mid car to rear so idk if that is it or not.

One wierd thing is I can't get it to do it if I shift into neutral before I start slowing down and come to a stop in neutral.

i had a 4x4 chevy blazer that did this. after about 6 months i figured out that the transmission mount bolts had fallen out. replaced them with new bolts with thread locker. hope that helps...

One wierd thing is I can't get it to do it if I shift into neutral before I start slowing down and come to a stop in neutral.

Also instead try some firm braking between 30 - 40mph.

I have the same clunk and my last resort will be a new EPC solenoid. Although I am well over 200,000 miles it may be excessive backlash in the drivetrain...does anyone have any thoughts?

Replaced transmission mount, it didn't help with the clunk but it made my truck a lot less shaky at idle. If I am firmly braking it usually doesn't clunk. It's only when normal braking coming to a stop. Stop and go traffic is terrible. I'm out of ideas....

I'm starting to think its tranny problems because when in neutral it stops smooth but when in drive it clunks. If it was a worn out bushing or mount it would clunk either way because of the weight being transferred.

Sounds like its driveline lash.

When the transmission downshifts to first, it takes up any slack in the driveline and the clunk you're hearing is the rear end gears bumping together.

Since I had a new tranny in with a shift kit, mine down shifts so hard it hits the abs for a moment while coming to a stop.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, but I'd suspect rear end problems are soon to follow.

My next step is going to be removing the front driveshaft and testing it because it is definitely coming from under my feet.

When you mentioned front driveshaft, you do have a transfer case, correct?

Yeah it clunks in 4wd too. Only time it doesn't clunk is in nuetral or 2nd gear.

Check the transfer case. The front driveshaft constantly spins.

I had the "clunk" and last weekend I swapped out the t.c. and now, the "clunk" is gone. I still need to replace the ball joints and the control arm bushings. The b.j.'s to help stop wearing out hub bearings and the bushings to help stop all of the "Dee-Bo" squeak on my front end. (From the movie "Friday").

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One strange thing I noticed last night. I cleared my check engine code by removing negative battery for a little bit. After putting it back on I drove for about 45 min and it didn't clunk once. Ill drive it more today but I'm sure it will start back up.
