GAS, GAS, GAS!!! Smell that Is! Codes P0303 & P2196! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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GAS, GAS, GAS!!! Smell that Is! Codes P0303 & P2196!


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March 28, 2022
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2006 Ford Explorer, 2wd
Folks, new to the forum and hope I can get some help. 2006 Explorer 4.0 SOHC just threw those 2 codes above. However, before that (A week ago), threw P0128 (Changed thermostat, flushed the radiator, and cleared) then p0171 and p0301. Changed the plug (Still coded and check engine light) but getting an arc from the coil, Changed the coil pack and ran fine for a few days. I really thought that was it. 3 days later, started running rough again, check engine light flashing, etc. Wife parked the vehicle and it felt as though it was going to cut off. No smoke from the exhaust yet until I stepped on the accelerator. Then a constant flow of thin white smoke from the exhaust. No leaks at all and not overheating! Pulled into the garage and cut it off. I tried starting it up and it was very hard to start to start. Any thoughts?

Note: Changed the PCM in 2019. Also had a small coolant leak from the heater hose attributed to failure to purge system. Changed it out! Also, a very distinct gas smell in the cabin and under the hood.

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Check fuel lines with smoke generator.

Take off the fuel tank and check the valves and the hoses for cracks or softness

Check fuel pump oring for damage.

White smoke out the exhaust tells me coolent leak into combustion chamber. Black smoke indicates rich mixture.

Check fuel lines with smoke generator.

Take off the fuel tank and check the valves and the hoses for cracks or softness

Check fuel pump oring for damage.
Pulled the intake off
Check fuel lines with smoke generator.

Take off the fuel tank and check the valves and the hoses for cracks or softness

Check fuel pump oring for damage.
Here's a picture of the fuel in my #3 cylinder. Any thoughts?


Are you sure that's fuel and not antifreeze?
