gas tank relocation or fuel cell | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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gas tank relocation or fuel cell


April 10, 2013
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has anyone thought of relocating there gas tank or just installing a fuel cell in the back. just wanting so input on it.

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There have been a few Bronco II fuel tank conversions done on here.. From what I remember reading, you really needed a body lift or the tank would hang down lower than the stock one would..

There are a bunch of threads when you search for bronco II tank, but many don't show the final results..

I'm pretty sure jd4242 ( [MENTION=91966]jd4242[/MENTION] ) is the latest to embark on this conversion.


I would love to see someone put a fuel cell in the back. This is just interesting to me.

Isn't their a stickler thread about how to??
Here is mine but its a b2 in a ranger, same principle though and will fit the ex

I put in a BII tank and have no issues-- but I have 6" lift and an 1.5" body lift. I wheel pretty hard and like where the tank is.

I am wondering how this will turn out myself, looking to do one on a first gen, for a drag setup, all the Foxbody guys have the cells well below the factory placement, and they said they have never had issues, even at the track, but for off roading, you want that thing to be up and out of the way.

I have only hit mine once--- and I was going odd a 5 foot drop-- I have a good skid plate though-- and a skidplate on my diff.

i plan on putting it in the back and re routing the filler hose through the side wall after i get done removing all the carpet and installing diamond plate around the hole back side.

i plan on putting it in the back and re routing the filler hose through the side wall after i get done removing all the carpet and installing diamond plate around the hole back side.

Watch the drop angle of the fill hose.

I've moved/modified tanks over the years and if you don't have enough drop on the fill hose gas pumps with the vapor return systems won't work right. You normally have to flip the nozzle upside down to get it to work if you don't have enough drop..

Heck, the factory mid-ship tank on my late 70's van even has that issue.

