getting ready to buy 1993 ford explorer xlt. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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getting ready to buy 1993 ford explorer xlt.


New Member
October 6, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
richmond virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Xlt
My 1992 pontiac bonneville just broke down on me. my friend is letting me use is extra automobile the 1993 explorer xlt. he is going to let me buy it but i dont know. are they worth buying its in good shape with 184,000 miles.

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personnally i love my explorer. and its a 1993 xlt. they seem to last forever. my brother has one and he is at 350000 miles and the engine has never bee rebuilt soooo. idk and just like brooklyn said, you shjould see how you like it


Welcome to Explorer Forum! I would sock an old lady in the face over my '93 XLT.

Welcome to Explorer Forum! I would sock an old lady in the face over my '93 XLT.

are you saying you would rather sock a old lady in the face then have your 93 explorer??
