Getting ready to order | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Getting ready to order


April 2, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
San fran
Year, Model & Trim Level
11 limited
Couple questions first. I am ordering a limited with everything I can get. Is there anything that I should order hat is not on the sheets. When I ordered my last Mercedes there were things online that weren't in the book so I almost kisses some things. Also is there still a pigment issues that will delay order. What colors. Was thinking of ordering either black or dark silver. How do I order the wifi? Is that an option. Last about how long should I expect. Thinking about 10 weeks.


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There is some talk about the black and some red pigments being unavailable but last I read it was for fleet vehicles only, not consumers.

I ordered my Limited, 302A fully loaded. That includes MFT, Synch, luxury package etc.

I ordered other accessories including dual DVD, rain guards and bug guards. The wifi comes with the Limtied 302A. Make sure you read into the wifi, it seems as though it is not exactly what some folks were expecting - you need to a wireless key for it I believe...

My dealer said 10-12 weeks. There have been some long delays for people, a few quality holds and backed up shipping being key to that. It also depends on the type of allocation your dealer has. Ask them that and to place your order as a high priority.

Good luck!

Dont pay 2k for the dvd system its not worth it, i dont have kids they are grown and out of the house. O god is good lol. But get everything else somethings you should by and do it your self, like mud guards u can get oem ones on ebay for $85.00 the rear bumber guard on ebay 49.99 from same seller they are easy to install. And you dont have to take off front tire for the mud guards. Also the bug guard thats also easy and on ebay from same seller he is a ford dealer in florida who sells on ebay name is kevin tell him john abreu from jersey city told you. Anyway enjoy your explorer its an awesome explorer i mean awesome !!! I have the 302a pkg golden bronze and pecan interior and i get awesome compliments. Even from other explorer owners !!

well then a quick question. my parents friend is the owner of a big ford dealership. his wife has the 11 explorer as the dealer car. it is the limited with the 302a package and moonroof. everything i wanted except dvds and towing package. has about 800 miles. he asked if he made a good deal on it if i wanted that one. is it better to buy it like that? it has the window sticker in it and has the price at 46,260.00. what would be a decent price to pay and would i save more or should i order one? this way i don't need to wait. means less miles on my other trade in vehicle


Dont pay 2k for the dvd system its not worth it,

Sorry I don't agree. I think it very worth the money to have these. I have kids, and the ability to let them watch movies on longer trips, independently of each other, or the same movie, will be very welcome. Further, with the 110V outlet, and the RCA connectors, we can hook up an Xbox for game playing, or they can plug in their Zunes and watch movies off those.

Yes I know, we could buy 2 iPads, then hassle with loading movies, and making sure they are charged, and brought, and not stepped on, etc. etc., but to me that is way too much hassle.

Also, the cost is not $2,000. That's the MSRP. The Invoice, which as we know is what most of us are paying, is only $1,696. If you go out and price the same units on the web, they are selling (at least for Edge leather version) for $1,619.

These may not be worth it for you, but to make a blanket statement like you did I don't think is proper. Otherwise, I could just point out all the options other people are paying for that I didn't feel were worth it....

  • $595 for "polished" 20" wheels? For what? They don't roll any better than the painted wheels.
  • $1,595 for a moonroof? So something can be dropped on the glass and break it? Or one more place for a leak?
  • $495 for white tri-coat paint? Really?
  • $750 for bucket seats? You realize you are giving up a 7th seat?

But I wouldn't do that, because I know different options are valuable to people for different reasons (polished wheels? really?) and that's what matters :)

any other advantages buying it used like that?

I know they are worth it. Have it in my other 2 cars but if I can get a good deal on a dealer car and not have to wait 2 months might have to go aftermarket. I did that in my gl 450. Vizualogic not bad either.

if you special order be prepared to wait a few months. dont expect it to arrive on time or youll be in for a world of setbacks.

I seen somewhere on this Forum that the 4WD/AWD have been built out for the 2011 and would have to wait until 2012 for 4WD. Would suggest if you want a 2011 4WD ask dealer to do a inventory search for what you are looking for. You would probably get it quicker. I order a limited 301 package with towing and BLIS. Ordered early February and it was supposed to be built last week. ETA was 4/11 but due to a shipping bottle neck it will probably be later then sooner.

How bout $1500. Under Aplan pricing?

How bout $1500. Under Aplan pricing?

This would probably be a very good deal if the vehicle has less than 1k miles.

However, I like the factory tow as you get the oil cooler, 4/7 pin wiring properly mounted and the trim piece that hides it all when not in use.

I could not justify $1600 for factory DVD players that probably wont play Blue Ray discs and just another reason for a thief to break in.

I would rather have the iPads that the kids could take into the hotel with them when you reached your destination, plus all the games they could play because you can only watch so many movies before your board of that.

what is Aplan pricing? the price with tax and license is going to be about $500.00 under sticker. tax is 9.5% so around $45,500.00 out the door. i think if i do the dvd players i will go aftermarket. they can always plug the iphones into the screen and watch their movies. they are only 6 and 4 so they have a little trouble using and holding a laptop and watching movie. and like you said getting a 4wd will be nearly impossible


what is Aplan pricing? the price with tax and license is going to be about $500.00 under sticker. tax is 9.5% so around $45,500.00 out the door. i think if i do the dvd players i will go aftermarket. they can always plug the iphones into the screen and watch their movies. they are only 6 and 4 so they have a little trouble using and holding a laptop and watching movie. and like you said getting a 4wd will be nearly impossible



I just ran across this thread and would like to reach out. I see this thread is a few weeks old, was there anything that you still had questions about? Have you already purchased an Explorer? Feel free to contact me, if I can offer you any assistance.

