Good Idea to offroad in...? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Good Idea to offroad in...?


Explorer Addict
February 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Elgin, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Maxima SE-L *5spd
Theres a lot of building going on next to my neighborhood. several BIG stores and such and they are grading it all out now and they have all these paths. i was thinking about taking the X in there on sunday and do some wheeling. what kind of idea is this? good/bad? it will be during the day. when they are working during the week i see a lot of cars and trucks like mine driving around in there, so it can't be that dangerous. there are also big earth moving rigs in there. but its sunday and the workers wont be there.

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it is fine...except you could be charged with criminal mischief, vandalism, tresspassing and all sorts of other stuff......keep it to the trails and 4 wheeling isnt detroying someones property

In Florida, its a felony to trespass on a construction site.

Yeah you could be charged with vehicular trespassing which could mean the suspension of your drivers license which wouldn't be too cool.


Go ask Kail about wheeling on private property. He can tell you all about it. DON'T DO IT!!!

Originally posted by jimabena74
it is fine...except you could be charged with criminal mischief, vandalism, tresspassing and all sorts of other stuff......keep it to the trails and 4 wheeling isnt detroying someones property

how would it be vandalism? they are clearing the land anyway.
it is a bad idea to drive on someone's property uninvited. i can see the trespassing charges, but not vandalism.

it doesnt matter that it is going to be cleared anyway... maybe they want it like that. the fact is it is somebody elses land and you have no right to be on it. example: my truck looks really ghetto parked on the street. now if gansta jo wants to tag it up "to make it look better" and he does, he is screwed. i didnt allow him to do it and he sees it as art where i see it as vandalism....who is to say the tresspasser is right and the owner is wrong? nobody

yeah and those were the old days...when people didnt get into trouble like they do now. well they do there is just so much legal stuff that they are branded criminals and such and probably wont be lucky enough just to spend the night in jail.

good thing i got guys here to steer me away from it, i asked my dad and he said it was a bad idea. im not going to do it after all. thanks

I did that once when I was younger. I drove my dad's '86 Isuzu Trooper on a construction sight and made a mess of things after a fresh rain. I didn't get caught, but realized what a complete moron I was for doing it.
