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Goodyear Tracker

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Those aren't on the approved list of replacement tires for explorers and some places won't put them on (personal experience) and I couldn't find any information on the trackers anywhere. I went with the BFG long trails. This is the family car and I only do mild off road since I left Alaska...mostly just dirt roads and no snow. The BFGs cost me $80 each at Sam's Club and they are a lot quieter than the Wranglers I had.

re: trackers

That may be why Im not finding much on them. I'd never seen them on any before, but the WalMart website gave me those as an option...and the price is good - about $81 ea.

Wal-mart can order any tire you want. When I asked them about the Long Trails they said they could order them. I think they were about $90 through them. If you have a Sam's close by check them out.

Thanks for the info...I will have to go check Sam's

Decided on the Yokohoma Geolander H/T. Great reviews, and a good price - cheaper than my Wrangler APs which I really never cared too much for.
