Got a video of my subs up!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Got a video of my subs up!!

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What happend to the vocals? Cool video - but that tail gate and window and all that vibrating is noisey and sounds crappy. But sounds like your putting out a lot of bass. :thumbsup:


You better buy a gallon of locktight! Holy **** dude, lol. Looks like it has alot of bass!

I like the vid itself - I'm at work - so didn't hear the sound. (im sure it's better that way) I'd rather not hear your truck falling apart from that sub lol. But yeah - you got the same color EX as mine cept you got a Mountaineer or whatever. I hardly see anyone with our deep midnight blue color. I have a 96 XLT that's that midnight blue color and even though I see literally HUNDREDS of Explorers a day of all years I rarely see any the same color blue.

****takes a breath****

yeah word.

sounds to me like he has no crossovers on his highs or the bass just drowned them out. the vibration is cool for a little bit but gets annoying.

word though.

Mista808 said:
I like the vid itself - I'm at work - so didn't hear the sound. (im sure it's better that way) I'd rather not hear your truck falling apart from that sub lol. But yeah - you got the same color EX as mine cept you got a Mountaineer or whatever. I hardly see anyone with our deep midnight blue color. I have a 96 XLT that's that midnight blue color and even though I see literally HUNDREDS of Explorers a day of all years I rarely see any the same color blue.

****takes a breath****

yeah word.

Yeah but i got a ****ty paint job on mine my dad bought the car brand new and it started to rust on the top like 2 years ago im pissed but i want to paint the bumpers the same color that would be sweet. I too dont see any my color i have seen 1 in louisville and thats it. ANyway to stop the back from rattling so much? I mean i know dynamat but thats it. ANd for the speakers they cant keep up with the bass so i am going to amp them. The are the pioneer rev 6x8 and im going to get a orion 4002. I hope that will make it sound better.

O i heard about the locktite what exactly do you do? and how well does it work?

wanted to hear the song :p

Go on and slip me two Xanax Bars - I'm ready ta git fool
5th ta Crown ta wash it down, I'm downtown snapping rolls
Ain't no shame up in my game - infact I'm mentally duranged
Oxy Cotton in my system - man I'm feeling kinda strange
Watch me choke about this dope - Blueberry from Texas

baseballer1100 said:
Yeah but i got a ****ty paint job on mine my dad bought the car brand new and it started to rust on the top like 2 years ago im pissed but i want to paint the bumpers the same color that would be sweet. I too dont see any my color i have seen 1 in louisville and thats it. ANyway to stop the back from rattling so much? I mean i know dynamat but thats it. ANd for the speakers they cant keep up with the bass so i am going to amp them. The are the pioneer rev 6x8 and im going to get a orion 4002. I hope that will make it sound better.

Yeah mine has a couple peel/rust marks up on top too near the rack. I just don't care too much cause it's up on the roof and you can't see it unless you're on a ladder :eek:

How much would it cost to get our paint jobs redone? Like just the SAME stock color but painted all over again? Would a cheapo Maaco job be worth it for now if I just wanted the stock color again? I do have some smaller dents and scratches that would need to be fixed but I think it would be worth it. Then again - my paint aint that bad for a 10 year old vehicle. It's actually really good cept a few places. I want to replace my hood though...

hmm - nothing to do with this topic.. more to do with your truck and mine lol

But yeah - Get some amps for them 6x8s. :thumbsup:

There is a big rust spot on the top too. But i have a ton of dents as well and i defintly want to paint it again. Yeah hopefully that amp will cure it.

SplashMan said:
Holy vibration Batman! I bet your girlfriend loves it! :D
Are you kidding??? She hates it i dont know any girls that do. Which is a good thing when they start getting annoying just turn the sub up :D

what kind of dbs u get out of that thing

nice vid

MuddinXJ from is me......

You definately need some deadner.
I need to get mine installed. I got a 100 sq ft of FATMAT and I may need some more. I'm doing 2 layers in all 4 doors, the rear quarters, the rear tailgate, and the floor. I may also do 2 layers on the roof but I may just stick to 1 layer. I'm hoping to hit 145dB but am not sure. I need to go get it metered.

i bet ur neighbors like you that thang pushes some air dont it that thang is pretty bad azz i know a friend wit the same 2 12"s in a s dime walled up that thing is so loud o my god dude its loud

baseballer1100 said:
Are you kidding??? She hates it i dont know any girls that do. Which is a good thing when they start getting annoying just turn the sub up :D

duh, HELLO baseballer...not the bass, the vibe from the base.....

dang kids, gotta xplain ever'thin' to eh theez dayz.

Baseballer, she likes the vibes.....guaranteed...;)

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that doesnt warp the roof at all?
