Got my subs and need some advice.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Got my subs and need some advice....


Active Member
April 24, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Montgomery, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Sport
I am unsure of the model but i know these are 2 12" JL Audio subs in a carpeted enclosure. 800W each (Good deal) When i asked the guy for which amp i would need to power just the subs he pointed out a Kenwood 1700W mono D-class amp. My question is do i need that many watts for these subs or will the 1100W D class do fine. Thanks

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is it 800w RMS or Peak? i beleive a 1100 amp would be just fine.

It is 800 peak i believe it is like 300 RMS. I mean if the 1700 would sound better then thats fine but i just noticed i could save some money on the 1100W amp. Thanks

Oh yea if its only 300 RMS a 1100w amp will work just as good as the 1700w one why waste the money on the W if you don't need them just save the money.

k all this max wattage business means nothing.

with two 300 rms subs id send them atleast 600 rms to the pair at the right impedence obviously.

You have to look at the rms wattage of these amps because the max really doesnt mean anything, its not regulated
