Grease - and a LOT of it, but from where? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Grease - and a LOT of it, but from where?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2014
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2008 Ford Explorer Ltd V8
Apologies for the enormous pictures!!

Yesterday afternoon as my wife pulled out of the garage I noticed a small spot of grease around where her right wheel would be. I though great, another CV boot torn (the one on the drivers side is torn). Today I figured I would take a quick look and am not exactly sure what is leaking.

There is grease sprayed all around the wheel well on the front and rear wheels, down the side of the Explorer and even some on the trunk. Yet, when I look underneath the only grease I can see appears to be on the bottom of the shock. From looking underneath and how much is all down the side of the vehicle I cannot figure out where it is coming from. Is it possible there is that much grease in the CV for it to coat the vehicle like that???

I uploaded some pictures to show how much there is:

Front wheel:


Rear wheel:

Side of vehicle:

Any ideas? I half wonder if she drove through something.


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Looks more like a liquid staff. Maybe power steering pump ? Check the brake fluid as well.

Brake and power steering fluid are both right around max levels, this also does not smell like either of those (or like trans fluid, at least not new trans fluid, only had a new bottle to compare smell)

or your trans dip stick it smells also... I would wash it and see if it returns..... I would guess it drove through something because what problem could also happen to the front and rear and only drivers side at one time.... I am sure if it was one of your fluids something would be out or really low by now... did you go to a speedy lube and have the oil changed... maybe they went crazy and sprayed everywhere

Looks like fresh asphalt oil to me. Agree, check ALL your fluids as a precaution. And I thought only Armor All slung like that. Eew. ;)

Thanks for the replies, I do the oil changes myself (its actually due for one!!) so no chance of that being the cause. I just took it for a quick drive, literally a mile to a parking lot and did some circles, it appears to be driving/turning/stopping fine, so a trip to the car wash it is.

Hopefully it is just some road crap from somewhere.

Does anyone think this could be the motor mount going bad? Someone suggested that as a possibility, not sure though but it appears to be a lot of fluid from a motor mount?

I just ordered a set of new motor mounts for mine, and got them but they look like solid rubber, no oil inside.

I had a feeling they were solid rubber. Well I washed the side and underneath where I could, my wife drove about 20 miles yesterday and so far underneath and the side are still clean. Fingers crossed at this point!

Now to just get on and replace drivers side CV, and then next up will be a plug change.

Will reply again if the stuff reappears.
