"Grinding noise" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Grinding noise"


New Member
February 22, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Sparks, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Explorer XLT
Greetings everyone. I'm a new member with a problem that I just can't locate.
I have a 2001 Explorer XLT with the 5.0 engine. I recently purchased it and I'm fixing it up as needed. I have replaced the upper control arms with the ball joints ( both sides ) , replaced the lower ball joints, the front wheel assemblies and new front brakes. I also replaced the U joint and rear bearing (total kit) on the front drive shaft. It's an AWD. I still have a "grinding" noise when I either back up or start forward very slow. The noise is in the front and I can't figure out where it is coming from. When I am driving, there is no grinding noise. Any suggestions? Thank you.

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check your cat heat shields. mine used to make an awful noise when idle.

Cat heat shields break off easily and can be the problem, though your story doesn't sound like that. The first thing to do is to isolate whether the noise is drive train related or not. Make it idle in neutral and and press the gas pedal. If the noise increases, it may be cats. If it doesn't, it probably is not. If it sounds like cats, bend down and bang the shields with a hammer. You will easily hear the rattle if a shield broken. I had it with one and fixed it with a simple stainless clamp - works like a charm.
Keep us posted - we all learn from others' experience.

check your cat heat shields. mine used to make an awful noise when idle.

remove the front drive shaft and go for a short spin. If the noise goes away you have an issue in the transfer case. Beware, the transmission will not hold the truck from moving in park without a front drive shaft in place. The truck will creep on an incline, so be sure to chock the wheels.

Thank you all. I will try both things and keep you posted.

Thank you all. I will try both things and keep you posted.

Okay, I've tried just about everything. I've put in a new front drive shaft with a new U joint, Replaced the driver side CV shaft, Wheel bearing assemblys, front brakes and all the ball joints with the control arms. My now X mechanic says it could be in the front differential. This is after he "isolated" the problem to the left CV shaft. Any suggestions?
