Ground/voltage stabilizers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ground/voltage stabilizers

my friend sent me a link to an acura rsx the other day well to several different ones he was saying how cool they are or something along those lines, and several had different styles of "ground voltage stabilizers" or whatever listed in their aftermarket modzZ.

like this one:

almost all of them had one. Is this a secret 4 banger weapon? does it do some japanese vodoo to youre engine?

on a serious note, does it do anything? Im sure having a second battery or high output alternator for a stereo would overwrite any effect this would have. So would adding a second battery add horsepower? if it stabilizes voltage as this device does it would right??? I dont believe it.

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do you have one of them? i dont see how it would stabilize voltage, if you have 14.4 volts that drops to as low as 12 under load, then how would this stabilize that without adding voltage somehow...or it could make it stable at 14 versus 14.xx which could work but under a heavy load itll just be looking for more insight, personal preffered, i could search honda forums but thats like reading the devils diary...

I was going to get one but was told not to by a friend who did get one. He got one put it in and ever thing was the same. I was told one time that they will stabilize it with a resister so it takes 14 volts and makes it a stable 13 v all the time but under a heavy load it will still drop some. It's on of those thing that some say yes some say no to and unless you have done it it had to see who is right. This is what i think on small cars the wires are a lot smaller or have cone bad the kits have this box and then new bigger wires so if there is any improvement it is b/c of the new bigger wires not the box itself.
Hear is a post they talk a lil about them.

noone else has any expierience or theories on this one?

I kinda got a theory kinda. If it worked like it says it does there would be more ppl saying it did instead of it being a 50/50 split of it does or doesn't . Don't really help your question i know but just my .02

yea i dont think it works at all...i mean if it did then having a higher output alternator or an additional battery would increase horsepower...if its been on a honda its not going on my explorer! thats my theory!
