Has anyone got the Cargo Security Shade? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Has anyone got the Cargo Security Shade?

If anyone has a cargo cover shade and they are not using I would like to buy it for a reasonable price

I'll sell you mine for $25.00 plus shipping. Looks new, used once.

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I'll buy it if its the one for the 2004 Explorer. Same one fits the 2002-2005 Explorer, 2002-2005 Mercury Mountaineer and 2003-2005 Lincoln Aviator.

I'll buy it if its the one for the 2004 Explorer. Same one fits the 2002-2005 Explorer, 2002-2005 Mercury Mountaineer and 2003-2005 Lincoln Aviator.

Sorry, mine is for the 2011 thru 2014 Explorers.

I was about to purchase it and wondered what it looked like, was it worth it, and could I install it myself vs having to have a dealer install it?

The cargo security shade is over priced, poorly designed and one of the worse design after thoughts ever produced!!! Mine was ordered when I ordered my 2016 Explorer Sport...upon receipt, I couldn't believe what a piece of "crap" Ford produced and sold me (note, my dealership tech described it as a piece of "crap").

I gave mine back to my dealership, since I refuse to down grade my Sport nor waste time installing and uninstalling this cover...btw, to install this cover you have to shove a plastic bar in the minuscule gap between the suv's interior trim and 3rd row windows, as well as wrap Velcro ties around the headrests of the 2nd row seats. And voila, a shotty looking, hard to install cargo cover...generations behind, design-wise, the retractable window shade design used in years past.

Don't waste your time and money...BTW, according to my dealership, regional Ford management could care less that I gave back my cover and have made no attempt to refund my money or otherwise compensate me!!!

Ford isn't the only one. The cargo cover on my Nissan Murano is similarly ill conceived. The prior generation covers were very nice. I always had mine ready to pull out and cover things I didn't want people seeing. I bought a gray blanket at Walmart that I use to cover my stuff. It blends nicely with the interior and is easy to install and remove.

Has anyone come across an aftermarket cargo security cover for explorers that are nice? I have a 2011 Escape and it has a really nice retractable security cover. Hoping to find a retractable one for a 2016 Explorer.

94 Security Shade in Beige

If you're still looking for a '94 Explorer cargo cover, I have one in beige.

Do you still have this 94 beige cover. I use mine frequently but the springs are not retracting properly when rolling it up. Interested in selling it?:)

I know this is an old post, but I'm looking to get the cargo shade for my 2004 Explorer. Does anyone have one?

I don't think you'll have much luck here. This is the 2011+ Explorer sub-section of the forum.

I was about to purchase it and wondered what it looked like, was it worth it, and could I install it myself vs having to have a dealer install it?
An after thought designed item on behalf of Ford...not engineered properly in terms of install or looks...not designed like a classic tornneau "window shade" design...when installed, looks like you either have the wrong cover or made it yourself...mine was ordered with my vehicle...one of the Ford techs called it a "piece of crap" after trying to figure out how to install it with me and another tech...I returned it to my Ford general manager and asked him to give it to his Rep with my complaint...never heard anymore about it over the last year...obviously Ford doesn't care and must need the money that they ripped me off for this item since I never received a credit for the return...Wano

I owned a 86 Bronco II that had one and it was one of the first things that I took out. Granted if you have something in the back that you don't want anyone to see it is a good idea. But if you are trying to hide it from someone who might break into your vehicle to get it I've got news for you. Even crooks know that there might be something under it and my break into the vehicle just to see what it is. The shade for my Bronco II was still brand new when I sold it in 2001.

2015 Ford Explorer Limited

I know there's been discussion of how badly Ford did with the OEM rear cargo area covers since they are cheap, don't work well, and don't retract.

What are some of the creative solutions you all came up with aside from just keeping a blanket in the back?

I just bought a retractable cover on ebay. I'm trying to get install instructions from them now. I'll post pics once its installed (or not, if I send it back ;))

I just bought a retractable cover on ebay. I'm trying to get install instructions from them now. I'll post pics once its installed (or not, if I send it back ;))
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Buy yourself two large, black bath towels. That's all you need.
