Have a odd transmission problem... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Have a odd transmission problem...


New Member
May 19, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Huntington, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT
Tranny takes a few seconds to go into gear...

Ok I just bought a 99 Explorer XLT 4x4 loaded with the Sohc 4.0. I kind want to get in the 4x4 scene that's why I bought it but there is an issue with it...when you put it in gear for overdrive it feels like it kicks in but it don't, not for 5-10 seconds. For those 5-10 seconds it kinda pulls buy feels like its barely catching. Then after those few seconds it kicks in and pulls great and shifts out awesome. I can prevent this by putting it down in first gear then manually shift it to overdrive once it takes off. You only have to do this when you take it out of overdrive, for example, your put it in reverse or neutral or any other gear then you have to manually shift it. But if you leave it in that gear then its fine, you can stop and go and do whatever and it shifts fine but the second you take it out of that gear it has the same problem. Anyone that can help with this issue or tell me what to fix would be greatly appreciated!

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having the same problem..more than likely its your valve body the gasket around it breaks and then it won't build pressure to shift.. common problem u can rebuild them which is cake and replace the gasket for like 60 or buy a new one for around 150 on ebay

Is there a write up on here how to rebuild them? I have rebuilt trannys before but not the actual valve body itself.

Ok well I will try that out with the band adjustment but if thats not it then is it possible for the valve body and/or gasket to be bad for it to be taking a few seconds for it to shift into gear?

To answer your question, Yes. There are many things that can cause your problem.
The things that have been suggested are things that can be done with out removing the trans.
There is also the possibility that you don't understand how the 5 speed auto with lockup torque converter shifts. What you think is OD may actually be the torque converter locking up.
The trans will not shift into 5 gear (OD) until after 50 miles per hour and on light throttle only.
Also the torque converter locks up on light throttle in 4th and 5th gear, some lock up in 3rd also, leaving up on the gas or flooring it or taping the brake will unlock the torque converter also.
