Having 2nd thoughts on buying | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Having 2nd thoughts on buying


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May 16, 2014
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I've been very interested in getting a new white Explorer base or XLT and I've been browsing this forum for some pre purchase information.
I'm seeing alot of complaints of transmission thumps that don't get resolved and bad exhaust smells inside the cabin that also aren't getting fixed!
Now I'm having second thoughts about purchasing a brand new vehicle that's going to be returned almost right away for bad problems that "can't be duplicated" by the service tech.
Are these issues really that common? Would a long thorough test drive of the specific vehicle maybe avoid these?
There's really no other vehicle that I like as much right now except maybe a Volvo XC60 but it's a little girly looking for me.

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I don't think they are really common. Things happen. There are a lot of Ex's out there and those with problems find this forum in searches. The amount of most complaints compared to Ex's on the road is minimal. No probs for me that you mentioned.

I had no problems with my 2011 Limited either. You must keep in mind that many people who don't have any issues don't usually post on a Forum. There are quite a few members here that found the Forum because they had an issue and found us with an Internet search. Therefore you see a lot of complaints. The 5th generation Explorer sales are high. My 2011 was sold almost the same day that I turned it in. No one can guaranty the one you buy will be trouble free. But then again, no one can say about another brand you might buy either.


That's what I was hoping. Most satisfied, trouble free Explorer owners don't find and post here probably. This is probably mostly visited by serious enthusiasts that are meticulous about their vehicles and also people that have had unfortunate issues and found the forum.
I'm one that wants to know everything possible about my vehicles, maintenance, mods, hidden Easter eggs, and pointers for do it yourself repairs after warranty.
It feels good for me to drive a vehicle I know is 100% inside and out. Must be some sort of stress relief or safety/ security need having that character trait.
My brother in law on the other hand... Just had to replace his engine (Mitsubishi suv) after 37k miles because he never changed the oil. How do people live like this!?

FWIW, we bought a 2014 XLT a couple of weeks ago. No issues so far. We traded in our 2004 Camry, which was a base model, so pretty low tech due to being 10 yrs old plus having no extras.

I'm starting to think all manufacturers have issues due to how complicated the newer cars are. Technology is great, til it isn't, is my motto.

We are the average family with 2 kids. I love having extra space when we need it, buying American, no TARP bailout, and have a short commute, so the gas $$ doesn't bug me. Our XLT has all the features we want, without the extras we don't.

We bought a 14 XLT in Jan and it now has 5500 miles on it without any major problems at all. And I have a lead foot. A couple small things like MFT not turning on until restart and not liking MFT but those are extremely small issues. Overall very happy and would highly recommend the purchase :chug:

As Peter stated most people on here found the site by seeking the resolution to a problem as I have done in the past. Not the case this time though I joined right after we made the purchase and visit at least a few times a week if not more. This is a very informative forum and one of the best I've been on. Be sure to lurk around after you dive in.

And I'll give you the counterpoint.

I have had a couple minor mechanical problems with my vehicle. I had to replace a steering link at about 40K miles that was causing a thump in the drive train - but that was a noise when the vehicle hit a minor road imperfection.

My windshield wiper switch would not shut off completely about 50k miles giving unrequested wipes.

I have experienced the transmission "clunks" a couple times, but it's not been a constant problem. I've never experienced the exhaust smell in the passenger compartment. I have experienced the musty smell from the HVAC system.

The recurring problems have been with the vehicle electronics. It has been much less than perfect, and sometimes unserviceable. Ford's updates to MFT have fixed some of them, but it is still far less than 95% serviceable IMHO. Many of the problems have required the system to be restarted, and that can sometimes be accomplished by turning off the vehicle and the MFT system and restarting, but often requires using a USB stick and available program, and in certain cases can only be accomplished by cycling power to the system.

At this point, I wouldn't recommend MFT, and would not have purchased it if I had known previously what I know now.

Just keep in mind that a lot of the issues were resolved in the '13-'14 models. '11 & '12 are not very good examples of issues for a '14 model year. You couldn't give me an '11 EX

Just keep in mind that a lot of the issues were resolved in the '13-'14 models. '11 & '12 are not very good examples of issues for a '14 model year. You couldn't give me an '11 EX

So far so good for me on a used 2011 after a few months. Third row roof leak fixed under warranty first try. I have read all the problems people report here and my used 2011 is fine as it does not have them outside of the fixed leak - and I have looked for them once I read about them.

And per a post above, when I first got the 2011 the MFT went into that repair mode. I figured out it was two updates old, did the 3.6.2 update, and I find MFT to be without a problem. Works as expected. Now, I don't have and did not want Nav, but I find OEM Nav can have issues with all car makers.
