Hazard Button Not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hazard Button Not working


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November 15, 2019
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2011 Explorer XLT 302A
My hazard buttons are not working. I looked for a Hazard relay in the manual and having a hard time locating it.
Can some one help

2011 Explorer XLT with 170k miles now.

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It is likely tied in with some other circuit. Have you noticed any other lights or items not working? Turn signal or parking lights? Although it's not impossible, it wouldn't seem likely that it would blow a fuse, if indeed it has one. Perhaps a bad contact?


It is likely tied in with some other circuit. Have you noticed any other lights or items not working? Turn signal or parking lights? Although it's not impossible, it wouldn't seem likely that it would blow a fuse, if indeed it has one. Perhaps a bad contact?

Every else is working. any info on how to remove this out.?

No idea really. No one has ever brought up this problem before.


No idea really. No one has ever brought up this problem before.

After much research seems its common with the button they initially released . Edge site with the same console with sync had alot of thread on this.
anyway the approach is to get a full console from ebay and replace it.

found a youtube video of this on a 2011 edge with sync which is what i have on my explorer. going to order one off ebay from a junker and try.
as my driver side blend door is also an issue i wonder if removing the sync screen lets me reach that 2 bolts holding that.

anyway will update if this works for some member later. it seems from 2013 ford change the hazard to a actual button so found a 2013 console on ebay . Will be here this weekend to install.

1) The 2013 center console does not work for the 2011 even though the parts are same .The switch is replaced by a hard button but this lead to the Temp and Audio control not working. Returned
2) Got a 2011 cosole but please see the pic as the salvage guy broke the vent section and sent it so returned. You need the full piece.
3) 2011 Items were a few hundred so kept an eye out and found one for 80 shipped pop on ebay.

The 2011 unit fit perfect and the hazard button is working as usual. worth the attempt even though i spent a few weeks buying,returning . the dealer part was close to 1000 for this work.


Remove the sliver trim with a trim piece removal tool - i got one for few buck from HF long time agon
Then 4 Screw 7mm i believe do not quote me on this.
Remove the Panel
Disconnect the connector in the bottom.
New Panel in
Replace Screws and trim.

If you are careful it should be around 5 minute to do the job.

Done !.

Hello Ford folks

I have a 2012 explorer. Purchased used a few years ago and the hazard light button has never worked. Does anyone have any ideas where I should start to work. I can't seem to find anything else that is not working. Seems like it is just that button.

Looks like there are multiple issues with this button. Has anyone had any luck fixing this or rewiring the switch to a different switch?

Looks like there are multiple issues with this button. Has anyone had any luck fixing this or rewiring the switch to a different switch?
It seems that although the issue is just the button, the entire control unit/panel has to be replaced.


After dealing with water intrusion from the clogged sunroof drains my hazards are not working. I'm guessing I'll need to replace the part as well. I'll troubleshoot the fuses. In the meantime, does anyone have a part number referenced in this thread? Searching parts sites doesn't really show anything definite.

After dealing with water intrusion from the clogged sunroof drains my hazards are not working. I'm guessing I'll need to replace the part as well. I'll troubleshoot the fuses. In the meantime, does anyone have a part number referenced in this thread? Searching parts sites doesn't really show anything definite.
I believe this is what you probably need but as with many 2011 parts, it is discontinued. Original 2011 Ford Explorer Dash Control Unit BB5Z18842CA | Levittown Ford Parts
You can try searching the part number on the Internet. I tried a couple of sites it brought up but it is either sold out or not available.


^ There probably is, but I don't know the specifics of the model year changes to it.

My '14 workshop manual lists the following, BUT it states it is a capacitive switch yet it sure seems more like momentary mechanical to me.

What might work is a momentary (or latching, IDK) switch between pin 4 on the connector, and ground. I don't know if the canbus needs to be involved, or even if this will work without damaging anything since the wiring diagram just shows the whole hazard switch module, not how it works electrically besides the description below, and again this is for a 2014.


Hazard Lamps

The BCM sends a voltage signal to the FCIM to monitor for a hazard lamp function request. When the hazard flasher switch (a capacitive touch switch) is touched, the voltage signal is routed to ground, indicating a request to activate or deactivate the hazard lamp function.

When the BCM receives a request for the hazard lamps, the BCM supplies on/off voltage to all the turn lamps.

The timed on/off cycle for the hazard lamps is approximately 80 times per minute regardless of bulb outage.
