2011 explorer cd eject/hazard button | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2011 explorer cd eject/hazard button


August 23, 2007
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City, State
York, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 explorer limited
So the car broke down this AM and I found the hazard button isn't working. The fix is to replace the $800 piece that is the buttons. Looking for some that can help me with wiring in a actual switch bypassing the factory "button/wiring". Does anyone know if this is possible?

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So the car broke down this AM and I found the hazard button isn't working. The fix is to replace the $800 piece that is the buttons. Looking for some that can help me with wiring in a actual switch bypassing the factory "button/wiring". Does anyone know if this is possible?
Do you have a part number for the button? That seems a very high cost for just a button. Perhaps it is part of the whole control panel and can't be replaced on its own.


Do you have a part number for the button? That seems a very high cost for just a button.

Its the sync controll panel unfortunately its not just a botton.

Its the sync controll panel unfortunately its not just a botton.
I edited my initial post before you replied. That is what I thought and it seems the control panel has been discontinued from what I saw on this site; Original 2011 Ford Explorer Dash Control Unit BB5Z18842CA | Genuine Ford Auto Parts
I just wonder if bypassing that button would result in the lights operating all the time. You would likely have to remove the control panel to get at it. A few of these hazard switches have failed recently which I find strange since it is probably one of the least used buttons in the vehicle.
There is a member who has links to various diagrams in his post's signature. The thing is to find it.


I edited my initial post before you replied. That is what I thought and it seems the control panel has been discontinued from what I saw on this site; Original 2011 Ford Explorer Dash Control Unit BB5Z18842CA | Genuine Ford Auto Parts
I just wonder if bypassing that button would result in the lights operating all the time. You would likely have to remove the control panel to get at it. A few of these hazard switches have failed recently which I find strange since it is probably one of the least used buttons in the vehicle.
There is a member who has links to various diagrams in his post's signature. The thing is to find it.

Ya when I looked up the number it was only available as a used part. I removed the control panel last year to get access to the button. Its not actually a button. The entire control panel for everything involved hvac/radio is like 20ish buttons and it only a 6 or 8 pin connector. Not sure how the hell that works. But the whole thing reminded me of keyboard circuitry. The traces were on thing plastic.

Ya when I looked up the number it was only available as a used part. I removed the control panel last year to get access to the button. Its not actually a button. The entire control panel for everything involved hvac/radio is like 20ish buttons and it only a 6 or 8 pin connector. Not sure how the hell that works. But the whole thing reminded me of keyboard circuitry. The traces were on thing plastic.
Wanting to fix this still. Does anyone have a wiring diagram for the dash control unit?
