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Header Comparison


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July 8, 2006
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Kensington, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
I'm interested in knowing what the performance difference is between the Torque Monster Headers and Ford Racing "Shorty" Headers? Is there any? :)

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yes there is all the difference in the world. The TM headers make a mockery of the FMS shortys

do a search on here and you can see pictures of the differences, people have installed Torque Monster headers in place of the FMS shorty's and took pictures, along with the install write up.
This is apples to oranges :)
The TM's are the best option BIG TIME


Here's Torque Monster Headers, 4 tubes into one collector, plus added technologies:


  • DSC00405.jpg
    50.8 KB · Views: 303
  • DSC00404.jpg
    45.4 KB · Views: 313

Here's FMS Headers, 2 tubes for 4 ports on the driver side and 3 tubes for 4 ports on the passenger side and not much collector for merging. You be the judge:


  • FMS_Headers.jpg
    19.8 KB · Views: 2,690

I have held both in my hands. There is no comparison. I can say it without naming brands, and you know which to get.

I might add, you want to get rid of those stock manifolds.
The #3 port is so small, my finger won't pass thru

Gee Robert, you even show a coated set of FMS to give them a better appearance, and they look like crap compared to the Torquemonsters

you should see what you'd really get with the FMS, it aint pretty
They aren't coated and will rust in a year

You're right, I've replaced the coated FMS headers with what you really get...

Also, FMS headers have never been tested to date for the California Air Resources Board (CARB). They're only for Off-Road use in California.

I believe the original question was; What was the performance difference?

With the FMS headers you get about 9-11 hp increase over stock manifolds and about the same in torque.

With Torque Monster Headers you will get 20-24 hp increase over stock manifolds and 20-35 lbs increase in torque. See testing results on our website:


We claim 18.5 hp, but if you really do the math, it comes out to 21 hp. Our '98 had the cast iron manifolds. If you have earlier manifolds ('96 - early '98) your numbers should be a little higher.

Thanks RC, that's the info I was looking for. I already have the "shorty's". Installed them last year but I always keep my eyes open for future upgrades. :cool:

do they make these for the 4.0l sohc? and if not what headers are good for my engine?


Tm headers are only for the 5.0L V8.
I believe there are headers for the SOHC, you can try a search on this forum.
However the SOHC headers are not a good investment $$$ or time wise for power, the factory manifolds are not restrictive like the 5.0L ones.
Ask Spindlecone...
