Headlight/Foglight Help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Headlight/Foglight Help

I recently ordered a new grille and thought I should turn my attention to my lighting to help dress the front of the Ex up some.

I'm a little confused about what combination will produce the results I want. My vision isn't the greatest, so I'd definately like improved headlights for night driving. Today, I decided to take my fogs out and clean them. They're not great, but at least I can tell when they're turned on now. All of the reflecting material was black in one of the lights and most of it was black in the other. It's definitely time for replacements. The headlights have a nice yellow tint to them as well... the corner lights are the only things that still look good.

So here are the options I've come up with.

I can replace just the headlights and fog lights with factory style replacements. This wouldn't require me to replace the corners, as they would still match. Total cost for this would be: $171.71.


I can get clear headlights and corners, which will run $183.24. I'm undecided what to do about the fog lights if I go this route. I can't seem to find any clear fog lights that would be a suitable match and I don't really want to get factory style replacements.

Once that decision is made, I can select the bulbs. Everyone seems to talk about Silverstars, but I've used them in the past and wasn't impressed with the output. Sure, they're pretty to look at, but in rainy conditions, they don't play well with my eyes. From personal research, I've narrowed my choices down to GE Nighthawks and LuminicsUSA JDM Yellow, but I'm open to other suggestions. Right now is a great time to get the Nighthawks, I can buy the 9007 pair at $34.99 and get a pair of 893 for my fogs for free. The Luminics, on the other hand, will total $56.00 for both pairs.

Are yellow coated lights a gimmick, or do they help as yellow sunglasses do?

Do clear headlights have greater reflecting abilities than stock style headlights?

Are there any direct bolt-on clear fog light replacements for the 2nd gen rectangle openings?

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If it were me I would replace the headlights with new stock lights.
Put in a aux. high power/heavy duty headlight harness.
Use Sylvaina Silverstars bulbs.
Replace the fogs with KC Hilites 26 series fog lights.

Yellow is not as bright as wht/clr.
Clear headlights are good for some and others dont like the dark areas in the beam patterns.
New OEM style IMO is best.

If money is no object (but you don't have the patience to do retrofitting like me), then consider these and a HID kit for the projector. That's the route I went after trying all sorts of things through the years to get primo lighting (Silverstars, single HID kit, two different bi-xenon kits, OEM housing, Diamond Cut housing). This is the way to go. Nowhere as good as real HID projectors, but miles ahead of any other option for the Explorer 2nd gen.

There are several EF members that would probably agree. We just finished up a Group Buy for these things and lots of good feedback out there.

Don't get hung up on the driving lights. They don't add that much to the lighting equation.

Bill, would you care to explain how a high power/heavy duty harness can benefit me if I'm using stock wattage bulbs? Also, when it comes to OEM style replacements, should I go through Ford or are they all about the same in terms of quality? I don't want housings that will fog up and turn yellow in a few months time.

Celly, as a full-time college student, I find it hard enough to part with the money to replace the bulbs, lol.

Bill, would you care to explain how a high power/heavy duty harness can benefit me if I'm using stock wattage bulbs? Also, when it comes to OEM style replacements, should I go through Ford or are they all about the same in terms of quality? I don't want housings that will fog up and turn yellow in a few months time.

Celly, as a full-time college student, I find it hard enough to part with the money to replace the bulbs, lol.

Harness Info.

A heavy duty harness will increase the volts to your lights and the increased volts will make the lights brighter.
You should increase the volts by at least one volt. That will increase the brightness by 30% or more.
It will make a difference.


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