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HEadlight Harness

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I had that kit and it never worked for me. Others have had success with it, but mine is in pieces now (I salvaged all the materials for other uses). I really recommended this one. Better quality parts and components and unlike the el cheapo Taiwanese one (the yellow one), it worked as advertised.

Saw that one just didn't realy want to drop 5 bucks for it, this may be put on the held list

The only complaint I have is the spade connectors (I think that's what they're called) came plugged into to the wrong holes, but that was an easy fix.

That's probalby what was wrong with mine before before I chopped it up. :(

Oh well, the Suvlights harness was a decent upgrade over it anyhow and it worked as advertised right away and hasn't let me down since.

That's probalby what was wrong with mine before before I chopped it up. :(

Oh well, the Suvlights harness was a decent upgrade over it anyhow and it worked as advertised right away and hasn't let me down since.

Yeah I was pretty peeved when I excitedly plugged everything in to get nothing when I flipped the lights on. I was seriously like "You've gotta be f&*()ing kidding me!" But for some reason I thought of the connectors being in the wrong place, and sure enough that's what it was. I remember when I installed my HID's before I got the harness, it was a big PITA trying to find out what connectors went in what hole.

Yeah I was pretty peeved when I excitedly plugged everything in to get nothing when I flipped the lights on. I was seriously like "You've gotta be f&*()ing kidding me!" But for some reason I thought of the connectors being in the wrong place, and sure enough that's what it was. I remember when I installed my HID's before I got the harness, it was a big PITA trying to find out what connectors went in what hole.

That definitely sounds like the problem with mine. I just chalked it up to buying cheap and then scored the better harness. It would have been a hassle to return so I just kept it. I eventually used some of the wiring and connectors for other purposes so it wasn't a complete waste of money.
