Heads up for Dog Owners; my puppy died. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Heads up for Dog Owners; my puppy died.

Man, I'm sure sorry to hear about your dogs. Thats a hart breaker for you and your family. My thoughts are with you and hope your kids do well.
Condolences, Bill

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Wow Chris- that really sucks, sorry to hear about that especially with kids in the picture. :(

Woah, really sorry to hear that. It's not easy loosing a pet that's a member of the family. I stopped giving my dog Purina because it would always give him the runs.

I cant seem to find it now, but I researched it on Yahoo as Purina Most and Meaty Recall, and it came back with Purina pouches had been recalled at the end of 2008. Its funny though when I called the comments or concern line and asked, like I said, they said, it wasnt a recall as of yet, then had the nerve to ask me if i wanted a free coupon for more food.

Ol Roy was recalled, just the cans though, only certain cans to, they arent exactly clear on the websites which cans was recalled.

FDA Recall List of supposedly most up to date list.. however, it doesnt have the add ons from this passed Feb.

Just be careful and watch for the signs, my vet in honesty admitted he didnt think of it being sacramental poisoning cause its a rare thing; so it was just chalked up as poisoning, until Tinkerbell died.

So yall just be careful.

We have three dogs in the house, two which ate Purina and Ol Roy, the other is a strict Diamond food. Well the Two that ate Purina and Ol Roy got very sick, SuperMan the male only 3 months old, pulled through after 5 intense days, Tinkerbell the female only 3 months old, passed away last night (March 11, 2009) They showed signs of salmonella poisoning, my vet was aware of their condition and gave us antibiotics for him, he thought maybe they ate something they were suppose to, because the signs of Salmonella are the same signs for tons of dog problems. However, since Tinkerbell was fine in the AM then sick in the after noon and died at night, he said it was Salmonella, only explanation.

Now Im out the money I paid for Tinkerbell, Im out the money I paid for the food and have an upset prego wife, and 4 upset kids. Thanks Purina and Ol Roy.

Dog owners, these ARE NOT on the recall list AS OF YET, just be weary of what you feed them.

Sorry to hear this!

My daughter's pitbull died a year ago before the melamine problem was noted in the wheat gluten. You need to make sure the food you give your pets doesn't use the wheat gluten from china. They have even killed some of their babies due to melamin added to milk. We now check dry food very carefully and cook rice and chicken etc, for her new pet. I still feel bad to know we killed the pet with food we thought was of high quality! Wonder how much of this crap gets into our human food products?

rpcaster i feel yeah, how much of it does, i mean hell they recalled pnut butter whats next.. and when does it stop... im sorry to hear about the pitbull, its hard losing an animal but harder when its a child's animals

thanks for the support everyone
