Heads up for Dog Owners; my puppy died. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Heads up for Dog Owners; my puppy died.


Explorer Addict
March 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Carey, Ohio (Georgia Grown)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
We have three dogs in the house, two which ate Purina and Ol Roy, the other is a strict Diamond food. Well the Two that ate Purina and Ol Roy got very sick, SuperMan the male only 3 months old, pulled through after 5 intense days, Tinkerbell the female only 3 months old, passed away last night (March 11, 2009) They showed signs of salmonella poisoning, my vet was aware of their condition and gave us antibiotics for him, he thought maybe they ate something they were suppose to, because the signs of Salmonella are the same signs for tons of dog problems. However, since Tinkerbell was fine in the AM then sick in the after noon and died at night, he said it was Salmonella, only explanation.

Now Im out the money I paid for Tinkerbell, Im out the money I paid for the food and have an upset prego wife, and 4 upset kids. Thanks Purina and Ol Roy.

Dog owners, these ARE NOT on the recall list AS OF YET, just be weary of what you feed them.

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yeah I saw that list as well. However when I called them and asked if the style I had was included in the recall they said no; not as of yet. I just got done talking with my vet about her. His words were

"If tinkerbell passed that fast, with the same symptoms as Superman, then she had kidney failure. One of the only ways to get kidney failure in a dog is to come into contact with Salmonella infected food. Bag your food up that you feed these two, seal it. Bring Superman in for a Salmonella test and Kidney test. If it comes back positive, contact the companies that your food is from. They will have to compensate you for Tinkerbell and for the Vet visits plus recall the food, Sorry for your loss Chris."

Sorry I know what he said exactly because this is a bunch of crap. Just another set of companies who is more concerned with money then the well being of an animal.

Sorry to hear. Losing a pet is losing a member of the family. :(

chris... if it's the food in question ...can't you have to food tested for Salmonella ? maybe some vets can do this for and maybe for free ....see if you can't build a court case out of this ( because this salmonella **** is getting out of hand ).

i know it hurts looseing a critter.... when both of mine passed a couple of years ago ...it hurt. for example...i had a ferret but had to spend $450 to have her adrenal gland removed ( cushions syndrome) then 3 momths after shelling out that she died from her kidnneys shutting down on her....not a pretty way to go :(

really sorry to hear about this man, its never easy losing a pet. my german has been on purina since i picked her up from the breeder, IMO its one of the better brands out there.

Sorry about your dogs. :(

Very sorry you lost one of your puppies, I can't image what I'll do when one of mine passes.

Purina is one of the top 15 recalls for bag food, that is why we stayed away from bag and did Moist and Meaty pouches.

Ive been calling around, most vets said all they can do is test the dog and feces, not the food, to contact the FDA and they can tell me who can test it. However while I was on the phone with an FDA agent, he said hat is all they will do is test it, if its positive, the dog food company will just be responsible for compensation of the food only.. AINT THAT BULLCRAP :shoot:

thanks again yall, guess i just needed somewhere to vent :frustrate

Damn! my dalmatian only eats purina small chunky bits, I buy the 40 pound bag and she hasn't gotten sick, which brand would be a good substitute? I just have enough for 2 or 3 days and then I need to buy another bag

Sorry about your puppy, it sucks loosing a pet :(

it was only certain Purina dog food... but who knows any more, they added 11 more brands back in February of food that was contaminated, Molly has been eating Diamond for 1.5 years.. with no problems, Diamond was a recall back in 2007, but it was for one particular style of Diamond.. and they just quit making that. The dog food companies just dont care about the dogs.. its the money they want.

makes me wonder if that is why my guys had the runs off and on for 2-3 months

that sux man i am sorry for ur loss my prayers go out to u

all i know from what i read is pups that are young and older dog sare more pron to getting it worse.. that middle age can usually fight it

it was only certain Purina dog food...

I haven't seen any Purina recalls, but I do see Pedigree recalls.

Sorry to hear about your dogs.

Edit: Added image of recalled food


Purina is the pouch recall, not the big bags, so they havent made it as well known, and the Purina pouch is just up to the bags that are "good before 7/2009"

Any links to details on Purina recalls? My quick google showed nothing specific.

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ill find them again, because i had to reboot my computer and lost all the information, i used yahoo to search it, ill get the info again, post it later tonight or tomorrow morn
