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Headunit update, old guy update


DIY stunt double
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Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
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Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
Thanks for looking.

This guy hadn't even paid attention to car audio changes. I do like semi loud music as long as the system putting out isn't straining to do it.
Most of the time though it's MLB and I cruising, and she wants to talk.

What I want is a double din unit with 2 camera inputs, decent sound, and outputs for possible future sub and amp install.
Not sure if navigation is important. Phones have worked for us in that regard.
I have android, she's apple. Need to be able to stream music from either.

I guess, no need for hard format audio.

200.00 target budget.


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Atoto are android based double din head units you can find on amazon

I love them
We have them in all our vehicles
High quality all the features you need
I get the one with rear camera and you can easily add a front camera
Easily synch with all phones
I also get gps enabled and wifi enabled because it’s same price really

These things work awesome are
Reliable and high quality not cheap feeling or sounding like some of the others

Atoto For the win
Search amazon for atoto double din

No noisy cooling fan
Excellent screen and picture
Everyone who has atoto stays with atoto

We have them in bronco FJ excursion sport trac and van. I would put one in my 97 f350
Too if it had provisions for double din

I also really
Like the “zero edge” brand rear view
Mirror/ Camera systems they record video and audio front and back even when you are not in-the car (if somebody hits your car while you are in the store it starts recording)
These mount over your rear view mirror and give you a huge mirror and or double cameras with Picture in Picture.
It is also a playback device so if you get in a wreck or witness one you can show the video right from your new mirror device (battery powered and sd card inside)

Jensen Car710. Great Android Auto and ApplePlay. Bluetooth works well, 5v preouts, stereo sub channel, dual camera inputs, with sound option. Super shallow mounts leave plenty of room in the dash for a mini amp.

Oh, the CAR710W model does wireless CarPlay, which would be nice sometimes. Waze, and Google maps also work very well on the headunit.

Only complaint is that the settings menus take a second to load. Only comes into play when changing audio setting like the EQ, adjusting the subwoofer volume and crossover values.

have has good luck w/pioneer & alpine

Alpine is my all time favorite. I have one in my Mounty that’s been in 5 cars 😂.

Gotta love the old school made in USA quality.

Nakamichi used to make the best home audio!! They have a good reputation

DVD? what is that? Lmfao

I got an Audiovox 8-track from a Lincoln Continental Mark V if you want to turn back time 😄

Nakamichi used to make the best home audio!! They have a good reputation

DVD? what is that? Lmfao
They were some of them originators in high end car audio as well. Like allof the old school audio brands, they’ve been bought out just for the names.

Also, damn, it’s been forever since I’ve seen Woot. Do they still do the old style Woot Offs?

They were some of them originators in high end car audio as well. Like allof the old school audio brands, they’ve been bought out just for the names.
United sound LLC owns Onkyo, denon,Polk, and so on. Build a reputation, then sell it is the common practice. Matthew Polks kids didn't want to build speakers I guess.
Also, damn, it’s been forever since I’ve seen Woot. Do they still do the old style Woot Offs?

Yep, every once in a while. I like woot. Just me I guess.

Seemed like everyone I knew in high school had a pioneer system in their ride. Those were the days when people still listened to cassettes. I wanted a Panasonic digital compact cassette head unit. I thought it was cool you could advance to the next track like a cd.

Seemed like everyone I knew in high school had a pioneer system in their ride. Those were the days when people still listened to cassettes. I wanted a Panasonic digital compact cassette head unit. I thought it was cool you could advance to the next track like a cd.
at least the explorer plays cassettes. im the only one (of my friends) who listens to cassettes, or even CDs for that matter! they actually recently got me luke combs CD haha there is a Cd collection in the explorer

at least the explorer plays cassettes. im the only one (of my friends) who listens to cassettes, or even CDs for that matter! they actually recently got me luke combs CD haha there is a Cd collection in the explorer
I've put my entire cd collection on my phone and use Bluetooth to a factory truck radio. This thread subject got my attention cause my freightliner daycab only has 2 small speakers in the doors. Today a co worker and I got energetic and got a pair of speakers, and boxes from Walmart. World of difference with a 6x9 under the seat.

Seemed like everyone I knew in high school had a pioneer system in their ride. Those were the days when people still listened to cassettes. I wanted a Panasonic digital compact cassette head unit. I thought it was cool you could advance to the next track like a cd.
I think I have two or three Pioneer Super Tuner two-shaft cassette players in my garage 😄

How do you like the HU? Is it easy to use? I didnt see a vol knob, but the big buttons are what I like best on the explorer HU! Can use it with ski gloves on.

Posting here also.

In Google search type woot nakamichi.

This unit still available, also,

There is a 7" without CD for 75.99

Also a single din with bluetooth

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How do you like the HU? Is it easy to use? I didnt see a vol knob, but the big buttons are what I like best on the explorer HU! Can use it with ski gloves on.
Like it so far.
The volume button is in the frame of unit, left side. They are not part of touch screen, but are backlit.

One tiny complaint . Dash backlighting must be turned up to max brightness, otherwise hu backlight flikkers
