NSSJ2's 4406 swap | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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NSSJ2's 4406 swap

the transfer case swap commences today!! Lets see how long it takes. any helpful hints?? Im pretty excited for this, something ford should have done off the line. Ill have pics as i go.

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Mine is standing up waiting for me to begin. Here's the TOD BW4406 I just finished.


  • BW4406 painted.jpg
    BW4406 painted.jpg
    90.5 KB · Views: 390

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^^ one clean looking case! you get that thing new? and out of curiosity, why did you pick an electric shift?

MG- its fawking cold here mind you haha, im just waiting on the weather to be nice tomorrow

Thanks Jim, but I want the automatic 4WD feature like the V6 trucks. I may end up with over 500hp some day, and traction is key. The Navigators and Expeditions were that way, only Aaron here has done that so far. Giving up the 4dr. gas tank isn't good, but I'll make do. The Sport tank is what I still need.

I got this from a 98 Navigator, it was very dirty and the shift motor was rusted a lot. I cleaned/painted it and installed a new shift motor and seals. It's a lot of work, but the truck is a keeper. Night,

^^ one clean looking case! you get that thing new? and out of curiosity, why did you pick an electric shift?

MG- its fawking cold here mind you haha, im just waiting on the weather to be nice tomorrow

Yeah, no joke. I swapped my front diff today in the snow. When does it friggin' quit snowing in Colorado? (Summit county got almost 20" in the last 24 hours! :eek:)

take it you found a 3.73 set?? see ive noticed here it just gets cold, barely snows.

well the new one is in!! drives like a champ, no vibrations or anything up to 80. only thing of concern is that theres a ring of grease outside of one of the top ujoints :fire:. im hoping they just over greased it and its not cracked....

I know this thread is really old but it is the only one that has a 97 5.0 with a 4406 swap. My question is what did you do about the Speedometer when you put in the 4406. I have been hearing that when you put in the 4406 that you lose your Speedometer. Thanks. Love reading this build though.

I know this thread is really old but it is the only one that has a 97 5.0 with a 4406 swap. My question is what did you do about the Speedometer when you put in the 4406. I have been hearing that when you put in the 4406 that you lose your Speedometer. Thanks. Love reading this build though.

You will need a BW4406 that has the VSS/speedometer output in the tail housing. The 1998 trucks besides the Explorer still had that output on the back. It ended one year earlier in the Explorers, so you need the output shaft and housing from no later than 1998.
