HELP ASAP!!! ON and OFF vibration from TC BW1354 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP ASAP!!! ON and OFF vibration from TC BW1354


Active Member
July 30, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Menomonee Falls, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Explorer Sport
I have a 2001 explorer sport that I recently did a sas and I was getting a vibration coming from towards the rear of the truck. I could see that my pinion angle was off so I bought shims to get the pinion angle within spec, didn't help. So I replaced all the ujoints on the rear shaft and that still didn't do it.

Now when I'm riding around I get a chatter coming from underneath my truck right around the Transfer case location. When I'm at speeds over 50 MPH the chatter is still happening but I get a vibration at mid throttle. So when I'm off the gas I hear the chatter, Mid throttle I feel and hear the vibration and chatter, and full throttle I hear the chatter.

I need help ASAP. I need to fix it this weekend. My guess is that its either the rear output shaft bearing or the chain. Please help. Ask me questions. Anything!!!!

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..:scratch:..Based on the info you just posted I believe you don't feel it is inside of the t/c itself..

..I would pull the drive shaft, check for play on the output shaft and if none, take the drive-shaft down to have it checked for straight and balanced..(you would know if this problem was at the rear axle pinion)

..Have you tried prying up on your tranny by the transmission mount or at least looked at the mount to see if it is broke at the rubber? It could be allowing everything behind it to move during what you described..

I stated that I think its the output shaft bear or the bearing. Both of those are in the transfer case itself. I'm trying to find ways how to check everything as well as hoping to hear from someone who has had this same problem. I'm gonna drive on it more to see if it gets worse so I might be able to find the problem easier.

Now I'm getting a ping noise when I first pull out. Drive shaft is ok. Could my pinion preload be bad?

...How many miles have you put on it since last July and what else have you done to look into the problem since then?

I've put about 6xxx miles on it. I've replaced all my u joints. Drive shaft was lengthened. I put pinion shims on. New ttransfer case. And thats about it. I have to bring down the pinion angle to help with axle wrap. Its pretty much dead nuts straight. When I'm at low speed I get a lot of shaking and shuddering but that might just be the tires.

..Do you have lockers? What's up with the tires?

..From what info you have posted you ruled out your T/C between your first post and replaced it with new in your last post, possibly added a different set of shims too, and did you have a driveline shop lengthen your drive shaft?..If so, did they mention your shaft was bent or did they just lengthen and balance?

..My initial thoughts would be to swap out the rear end as it sounds like it's shot..:dunno:

Driveshaft was done by a shop and they checked it twice for me. I'm thinking the preload on my pinion is off. I'm not 100% sure how to check it or fix it
