HELP - auto climate control blower motor not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP - auto climate control blower motor not working


Explorer Addict
November 30, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 LTD, 96 XLT, & 98 XLT
hey guys.. anyone have an issue with their climate control blower fan? I just sold my 96 limited to a friend and told him i would fix the blower motor.

Last year my blower fan died so I installed a spare i had out of a mountaineer.. worked great till last month... bearing started to make noise.. was like that for a day and then it quit. figured the motor locked up. Just bought a new motor and installed it. It doesnt work at all. Hooked it up to a 12v battery and the new fan works.... When i turn the blower wheel inside to high, my volt meter reads 3 volts... when on low it reads 10 volts.... isnt that backwards????

Now when i plug the fan in, the voltage goes to zero........ high and low....

is this a sign of a bad resistor????????????

check voltage at the EATC controls, and check voltage at the blower control module
