Help! Doors wont lock, one wont open | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help! Doors wont lock, one wont open

well i bought a 96 X on tuesday and the doors dont lock, they are manual locks, the front doors work fine. both rear doors will not lock the one button is pushed down and wont come up. the rear pass door started as only opening from the outside, then worked fine, now it will not open from either side. the drivers side rear door works fine but wont lock. the rear hatch and glass work fine, but dont lock either. anyone know what mayt be wrong. i know ill have to tear the doors apart, how do i do that, and the hatch. will i need to buy parts or did things just come un hooked? thanks for the help.

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any help? should i just start tearing them apart to see? and how would i get the one open that wont open at all? lol

Pull the door panel off and look at it.. It may be a bad lock actuator or a rod that has come off its mount.

Did the car have a remote start or an alarm that was different from stock? I had the same prob on my mounty.

nope not that i am aware of... manual locks and windows too. how do i get the door panel off on the door that wont open? i had the one door panel off last week and the rod that is on the button is bent all to hell. acutally is so bent that when u roill the wondow down it scratches the window u can see where it tore some of the tint off. how do i get in there to look and parts and replace etc.

It might be kind of tough with the space you're given. If I remember correctly I think there are two screws where the interior door handle is. Take those out and take out the plastic piece that was held in. Screw off the plastic door lock. You can pull off the plastic piece where the button for the window is. Once you have those off, pull on the door skin starting from the bottom corner, like I said, it'll be tough with space constraints. You should hear it pop, they use these plastic rivets. Go around the whole door pulling it until you get to the top. When you think you have pulled out all of the plastic rivets, pull the door skin up and over the lock and it should pop off. You should then be able to open the door by hand.

I'm not sure of any other way to open the door with the panel on, you could possibly remove a back seat which isn't too difficult to give you some more room. I think once you have the skin off it'll be easy to open up the locking mechanism if something is indeed broken.
