I was probably stupid when I did this, but I got a pair of 9007 Green Xenon bulbs off of ebay and just pluged them inplace of the stock bulbs. This was easy, infact, it was too easy. It worked fine and the lights looked great. I waited until it was dark and went for a drive. I was driving with my high beams on and dimmed them when a car came in the other direction. The low beams came back on, but the high beam light on my dash didnt go off, it just got dimmer. I was also unable to turn my fog lights on. I flicked the high beams on and off once more and it was fine, but my passenger side headlight was out. I returned home and tried to put the stock headlight bulb back in that side and it didnt work. Then I put both stock bulbs back and the passenger side still doesent work. Can anyone help me?