Ok, I think I screwed up my tranny, (manual) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ok, I think I screwed up my tranny, (manual)


Typo King
April 2, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Tacoma, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT
Ok, I just put a body lift on my truck (94) and was putting the shift extender on. I couldnt get the bolt off because the floor was in the way so I took out the 3 bolts on the tranny and took the entire shifter out. Put the extender on and put it back in and the shifter wont move forward or back, just left and right like when it was in neutral, however its not in neutral, its in a gear. I thought I had it in neutral when I started working on it but I may have put it in gear when trying to get the bolt out. I tried taking the extender off and putting it all back but nothing. The part of the shifter that goes into the tranny goes in fine I never have to force anything. Its like its the transmission that is jammed up somehow. :fire:

So its stuck in the garage and Im afraid I might have to tow it to a shop to figure it out.

Anyone have any thoughts? Maybe it needs to be in neutral before the shifter goes in? Dont know how you'd do that with no shifter though.

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ok, i played with it a little more. It "clicks" when you put it in 2nd position and it clicks when you put it in the 4th posistion. If I pull the shifter out after that I can see the shifting rail thing on the right moves. It must be in a high gear cause I can push it easily.

Firstly I have not worked on an Explorer standard trans.

However, I've worked on standard trans vehicles for over 30 years. I always put the trans in neutral before removing the shifter and make sure it is in neutral before replacing it. You should be able to move your rails and get the trans in neutral. Once you have it there replacement of the shifter should be easy.

As I said, I've not done Explorer manuals. But I've used this method on various makes and models of manual transmissions I've owned over the years including big F-series trucks.

Good luck and hope this helps.

Like BigOne said make sure the trans is in nuetral before you put the shifter back into place. The easiest way to do this is look in the shifter hole on the trans and you will see a socket deal where the shifter goes. It should be centered in the shifter hole facing up so the shifter goes into it. The shifter probably also has some key ways on the sides of it so it will only go one way into the trans. If the trans isnt in nuetral just use a big screwdriver to move the socket into position.

there isnt a socket, the buttom of the shifter just fits into some slots that seem to be the actual shift rails. This is what it looks like.


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the rail on the left side with the button on it should slide forward so the shifter sets between the buttons

That did it, had to pry on that far left deal from below it in the picture. It took me a bit to figure you didnt need to push the "button" I think those are just spring loaded deals to keep the shifter straight upright when in neutral.

