Help over a gallon of motor oil on the carpet cleaning tips, thanks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help over a gallon of motor oil on the carpet cleaning tips, thanks


Elite Explorer
March 1, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Birmingham, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'10 Sport Trac
Did my oil change this last weekend (Mobile1) put the used stuff in the back of the explorer and while heading to drop it off, someone cut me off, so I had to slam on the brakes. Like a rocket the gallon of old oil slid and hit the rear seat exploding oil all over the carpet - :fire: &%#%#. Any good tips on clean up. Or am I stuck replacing it? If I replace it I assume the all the seats have to come out and consoles. Factory carpet is like $300.

Thanks for the tips.

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have you considered line-x or herculiner instead of carpet?

Junk yard carpet kit?

I love my Husky liners for spills.
When I transport oil or similar I strap it down and put it inside a large under bed storage container like rubbermaid style.

I do not think used motor coil is going to come out 100%

there are carpet paints/dyes on the market, you could also contact professional carpet cleaning services in your town

There is a product called "Oil Eater". I'm not sure where you can find it, but my Dad get's it in bulk. This stuff works great, takes tar our of carpet so should be able to get oil out. Just call your local hardware stores and see if they have it.

Oil spill

I had the same thing happen with my brothers car. Used oil all over the rear seat. Cleaned it up with a ton of orange hand cleaner and a case of paper towels..

Hope this helps.

You will never get it all out, replace the carpet

Try usin spedidry to soak up the exes. place a towel over it and soem phonbooks for wight to wick it out of the carpets. then spray it with some KR2 spot remover. itll take alot of kr2, and numerous aplications to get it out, but it should work

You will never get 100% of it out of there, but most people will be happy with removing 90-95%

Oil Eater will work to get the BULK of it out....


You can try an upolstry steam cleaner. Some self serve car washes have them. I would also talk to a full service car cleaning service, because they may have one.

I hope you took or take the carpet out, if you dont you will never get it all out

Don't feel of my delivery guys at work spilled a 35 gallon drum of 80w90 gear lube all through a Dodge Caravan! What a freakin mess!! Oil was dripping from every opening in the van and sloshing around in the foot wells! We still haven't cleaned it...that is his project for this weekend! LOL

wow you taking it out of his paycheck? 80W90 is not cheap!
Hey at least the floor wont rust!

410Fortune said:
wow you taking it out of his paycheck? 80W90 is not cheap!
Hey at least the floor wont rust!

LOL! I was just happy that it wasn't synthetic!

RocketFoot said:
Don't feel of my delivery guys at work spilled a 35 gallon drum of 80w90 gear lube all through a Dodge Caravan! What a freakin mess!! Oil was dripping from every opening in the van and sloshing around in the foot wells! We still haven't cleaned it...that is his project for this weekend! LOL
That happened a few years ago except with 55 gallon drums and a delivery truck. Going up a hill the strap gave out and dumped 3 drums onto a little honda behind it, took them a long time to clean up.

you know, they clean those oil-covered ducks with Dawn dishwashing liquid :)

Really, that old oil has probably soaked though to the metal. You really need to take it out if you want to ever get rid of the smell.
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Thanks very much for all the tips. I have all weekend to try to see how much it will clean up so I'll give it a try. I was able to shopvac most of it out, but the stains are still there and the smell. While it’s drying I'll be searching the web for a replacement. Since we have a 3yr and 9yr old and camp and fish, I'll be looking for rubber floor as well. Kind of like the Sport-Trac's rubber floor, looks kid proof.

Thanks, I'll try and post back.

Truly the only good answer is to remove the rear carpet etc, and clean them separately. Do it quickly, hopefully little or none has affected the front carpet, or gone into the floorboard crevices.

Lay the carpet down in the driveway, get a pressure washer if you can, but a water hose can do most of the work. Spray it all with engine degreaser, or whatever magic grease/fabric product you have or like. The engine degreaser will cut the oil, but some agitation will be necessary. Try not to scrub too hard, the rug will become frayed, or change pattern/size/appearance.

The original tight weave cannot take too much harsh scrubbing, rely mostly on the water pressure and chemicals. Folow up with a good fabric cleaner, or Purple Power, plus the water. Clean out the rest of the interior while allowing the rug to air dry, hopefully in full sunlight. If done right it may not be noticeable at all. Good luck,
