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Help please !!!!!


Active Member
January 17, 2010
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City, State
greenville ,sc
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 xlt
Hey guys its been a while since I've been on here. Listen I'm thinking of buying a fully loaded 2003 limited with the v6 engine. Buyer says he is the only owner, special ordered it . Has 136,000 miles and has service records. Transmission was replaced @ 90k under warranty. My question is what things should I look for before purchase and how Much life should I expect from the car in the future. I want to lift it and run 32-33 inch tires. What are my options? Thanks

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If the transmission has been rebuilt quite a bit. My main concern is if it has had the timing chains done yet, my understanding is that is the leading cause of 4.0 V6 deaths. The 4.0 has shown frequently that it can go past 180K miles if propperly cared for.

Thanks . He said everything preventative and anything that popped up under warranty was covered. Has documentation of rear end and transmission under warranty. Now just figuring out how to fit 285/70/17 under it lol

do the modified body lift. will get you that extra 3 inches with out stressing your suspension.

I'm planning on doing btf 2.25 and 1.75 spacer lift. With a custom made 1.5 body lift. Hoping to squeeze 285/70/17 on with the stock OEM chrome wheels and 1.5 hubcentric spacers

i had the exact same setup you're wanting. My 285s only rubbed slightly, but a dermal and some zip ties solved that. See my registry for pictures and where you'll have to trim. Also, youll have to remove the minivan style plastic running boards if you have them. The tubular style however will fit

Yea it has the fiberglass. Running board lol. I work a tight schedule and was wondering how much a shop would charge to install the btf spacers and 1.5 body lift. Anybody had it done by a shop? Chime in?

Hey murdered you remember me? We met up in SC where I bought the wheels from your X from. Just coming back to the boards, I sold my lifted white Ex and am looking at picking up another. Still got the pics we took of ours next to each other.


Hey murdered you remember me? We met up in SC where I bought the wheels from your X from. Just coming back to the boards, I sold my lifted white Ex and am looking at picking up another. Still got the pics we took of ours next to each other.


I remember both you guys!! Nice to see both of you guys back. :biggthump

I read he replaced the transmission 40-50,000 miles ago but I'd pay real close attention to how it shifts, Through the gears and into reverse. I put a new one in about the mileage ago and I'm starting to get a delay in reverse again and a hesitation from 1-2.

Coil springs. I replaced all 4 struts due to 3 broken coils. On 3 coils I had 6 bropen spots.

Wheel bearings, the rears went bad last summer, they have to be pressed in and out of the spindle.

Rear hatch hinges for the glass.. there was a recall, mine had the updated hinges but the left 1 broke again, I replaced the hinges with a kit that had both side. It was 57 per hinge or 75 for the kit, so the choice was obvious. The glass is way heavier than it looks and a lot more expensive than you would think.

Window regulators... roll them down, if they drop fast and slow suddenly to normal speed.. they're going.. I'm going on the 3rd one in my drivers door.

Not trying to talk you out of one... overall it's been good, a lot of this stuff you could expect in an older truck (besides broken coils I've never seen such a thing, but the truck sat level, hard to believe) ... nothing's perfect at that mileage, just throwing it out there, cause I'd want my mod money going to the mods or maybe you find some or the smaller stuff to bargain with lol good luck!!

I have 420000 km on my 2002 eddy it's on it's second trans and needs rear coils and an air bag sensor up front. The only other things are the CD stacker and the information cluster. everything else is maintenance stuff... Love this truck...
Good luck...
