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Help! Problem with Air Vents


February 28, 2011
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2001 Ford Explorer Sport
When I turn my knob to the left to A/C or Max A/C for 1 it doesnt get that cool and 2 when I press on the gas nothing comes out of the vents at all. When I release the gas some air starts to come out of the vents but once I try speed up it completely shuts off the air again. When I turn the knob to the right to any of the other positions like defrost, face and legs, face, legs I dont have this problem and the air blows out like it should. I would like to get this fixed before it really starts to get hot.

Does anyone have any Ideas?

please leave me a message on here or email me at

Thanks for your help.

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by the way I have a 2001 Ford Explorer Sport.

when you put on the gas you can actually hear the vents shut.

by the way I have a 2001 Ford Explorer Sport.

when you put on the gas you can actually hear the vents shut.

Sounds like a bad vacuum reservoir - either the reservoir itself or the vacuum line to it. System uses engine vacuum to move air flow doors around; when you accelerate engine vacuum goes down and won't hold the door in place w/o reservoir. In my 97 EB, the reservior is in the passanger side front wheel well; you have to remove the fender liner to see it. You should see a plastic vacuum line coming thru the firewall under the coolant and WW tanks. Good luck.

do you know if it is hard to repair?

do you know if it is hard to repair?

Usually pretty easy. Worst case is a visit to a JY to get a replacement. Best case is just re-plugging in a vacuum line.

I was able to get to the vacuum reservoir. the lines look fine i shook the vacuum reservoir to see if there was any rattling but I didnt hear anything. I was wondering how if anyone knew how to unhook it and if it was ok to unhook. I just didnt want anything to happen if it was unhooked.

do you know where it is located. I have been searching online and I did read that sometimes it is located front right of the truck

See above in post #3:
"In my 97 EB, the reservior is in the passanger side front wheel well; you have to remove the fender liner to see it. You should see a plastic vacuum line coming thru the firewall under the coolant and WW tanks. Good luck."

i pulled out the vacuum hoses and you can hear air come out of the vacuum reservior. I didnt see any cracks and I didnt hear any sounds when I shook it. So I am guessing there is a vacuum hose that is leaking somewhere.

i pulled out the vacuum hoses and you can hear air come out of the vacuum reservior. I didnt see any cracks and I didnt hear any sounds when I shook it. So I am guessing there is a vacuum hose that is leaking somewhere.

I would start engine with vacuum likes unhooked, then see if the line from the intake manifold is pulling a vacuum. If it is, hook it back up to the reservoir, plug the reservoir outlet, and see if it holds vaccum when someone else hits the gas pedal. I believe that there is a one-way valve on the intake side of the reservoir that is supposed to close when the intake vacuum drops. If that checks out OK, then look for a vacuum leak between the reservoir and the inside A/C panel.

I drive a 98 AWD Explorer. I bought it in 2005, at which time the air temperature control was not working. So essentially, I could either get hot air with the heater or vents on, and cold air with the AC. But I could turn the system off and close the vents as well. A while ago, the AC stopped working and at the same time my vents started blowing out hot air. The air gets hotter as I drive more miles, and it blows from all vents in the truck, including the ones by my feet. There is no way to shut it off, and AC does nothing. I have read a bit about blend doors and am not sure if that is my problem. PLease let me know what you think.

well my problem was a hose in the dash came off. just had to reattach it and secure it and now my ac works again.
