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Help ! Spec. Warrior Shakles


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September 28, 2004
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hallo, someone can tell me the millimeter or inch from Warrior TT Shakle (WAR153) . I will produce this myself. the shipping from usa to germany is to expensive


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it really doestn matter.... to make you own just masure the widt of the leaf spring sn amake the croos brace that wide... then the two sides will be however long you want them.

In general you will gian 1/2" of lift for every inch the shackle is longer than factory.

The Warriors are 8" long, and I think about 3" wide.

what is the max length for a shackle without having it bend...

i have just cheap ones from autozone and was wondering that..

well that depends on the load you are putting on them and the material you made them thickness and otehrwise

on the yotaboard i belong to some doofus put like 20" homemade shackles on his 4runner... they didnt bend... i wouldnt trust that on my truck.... but......

davidmmm69 said:
what is the max length for a shackle without having it bend...

i have just cheap ones from autozone and was wondering that..

It depends more on the quantity and quality of material used to make the shackle more than the length. But I'm sure there's a point at which it is too long.
EDIT: Doh! Jim beat me to it.

Just curious thanks

Just as an FYI: the length (labelled 'A' in the diagram) between the top hole and back corner of the the cross member is very important as this dictates the maximum deflection angle (from the vertical).

The length of A is dependant on the length between the top hole and the cross member (length 'b') and the width of the cross member (length 'c')


I'll try to post some dimensions sometime this week hopefully.


Do note that the upper and lower part of the shackle are of different lengths (one length is 4.75 in the diagram.. the other would be the overal length subtracted 4.75 . The longer upper half (the one labelled 4.75) is the one that bolts up to the chassis and the shorter bottom half is the one that attaches to the leaves.

I believe the overall width of the shackle is actually a bit larger than 3.8" because the bolts are "squeezing" them closer to each other when installed. I guess the safe way would be to measure the width of you're leaves (with the entire bushing assembly thing at the end) and make the inner-width of the shackle just a bit over that.

honestly I wouldnt put a x-brace in it. The jeepers use shackels that dont have a x-brace and it allows the tow sides of the shakle to deflect independently and doesnt stress the springs as much. This allows more flex and stability b/c there will be no binding. It is perfectly safe to do as well so long as you dot get excessive with your length. id stop and atbou 10" with no x-brace.

nissanboy said:
honestly I wouldnt put a x-brace in it.

Yeah I've noticed this too.. ;)

My warrior shakles are rusting like no tomorrow. :(

have you tried to prevent the rust? Some spray paint should help.

RhinoX said:
My warrior shakles are rusting like no tomorrow. :(

sand blast em... tape over the parts where the bolts go, and dip em in a plasti-dip thing for making grips on tools ;)
