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Help with wire ID

Chris Saso

New Member
January 7, 2015
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City, State
New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Mercury Mountaineer
Hello all. I am new here. I have just installed a 2DIN touch screen in my 2003 Mercury Mountaineer

When I purchased the car, it had a Pioneer DEH-4400 (the wire job was a mess). I have successfully installed the 2DIN. I had to re-match all the wires and instead of electrical tape, I used butt connectors. Now I am left with a couple of wires in the dash that I don't know what they are used for. I was hoping if I list them here, someone will help me. Here are the wires:

Black w/ Orange line
Black w/ Blue line
Gray w/ Yellow line
Red w/ Black line (I believe this is the illumination wire)

There's also a harness with two wires (one is yellow, the other is Gray w/ Black line). Is one of those the (Vol +) or (Vol -) on steering wheel? Would I connect my units steering wheel wire to Gray w/ Black line?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my thread and helping.

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I'll see if I can get a wiring diagram for you. Also how do you like that head unit? I was looking at picking up that exact same one off eBay.

I'll see if I can get a wiring diagram for you. Also how do you like that head unit? I was looking at picking up that exact same one off eBay.

Thank you, a diagram would be great. I have tried with very little success. I connected my units "Illumi" wire to the Red w/ Black wire in the car, and it worked!

The unit is great... There's a couple of pros & cons.

GPS - Haven't tried yet (I cracked my SD card, they are sending me a new one)
DVD - Very clear, great resolution.
Back-Up Camera - Very clear
SD Card - Fast read
iPod - (older iPods hook-up) Haven't tried it yet.
USB - Fast read.
Great response on touch screen.
Sound quality is great.

Time is only set to 24 hour format.
Time zones are in Chinese. You have to guess what you are. (I used my -5 timezone and did a trial and error).
SD Card - The shuffle in music mode is the same every time. (A set shuffled list)

Mine is off eBay, from the user 007estorm. Here is the listing:

They were very helpful.

Overall, I am VERY happy with my unit. It goes above and beyond for the cost. Right now it is $185 (with shipping). I purchased mine at $189.

What year car do you have? I noticed that my Metra Dash Kit didn't really fit to well (even with retro fitting the kit), and I wound up mounting my unit with just the side brackets from the Metra Kit.

If you decide to get the unit, and need help with the wiring, let me know. I'll walk you through step by step. I just didn't get to do the steering wheel controls. I'll take pics & vids to show my set up.

1. Black w/ Orange line
2. Black w/ Blue line
3. Gray w/ Yellow line
4. Red w/ Black line
There's also a harness with two wires (one is yellow, the other is Gray w/ Black line). Is one of those the (Vol +) or (Vol -) on steering wheel? Would I connect my units steering wheel wire to Gray w/ Black line?

1. Ground
2. Ground
3. Fused Ignition
4. Illumination Return

Separate Wires:
Yellow: Air Bag Contact
Grey/Black: Vehicle Speed

(These last two seem weird to me. I believe my steering wheel controls are ran off of these wires also. I'm just reading off of a wiring diagram.)
